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约翰·奥哈拉(John O’hara,1905~1970)是美国著名小说家。本文是奥哈拉写给女儿的一封信。女儿将从中学毕业,在这人生关键时刻,作为父亲,他既对女儿过去的表现表示满意,也对女儿的将来充满信心。然而,他却不忘再次重复自己对女儿立身行事的一句忠告:真诚地对待自己。这是要求女儿具有自信、自助、自律、自尊、自爱的品质。 John O’hara (1905 ~ 1970) is a famous American novelist. This article is a letter Oharah wrote to her daughter. Daughter will graduate from high school. At this crucial time in life, as a father, he is satisfied with his daughter’s past performance and full of confidence in the future of her daughter. However, he did not forget to repeat his advice once again about his daughter’s behavior: treating her sincerely. This is to require her daughter with self-confidence, self-help, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-love quality.
The measurement of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) with invasive intracoronary Doppler flow wire techniqu
文章难度★★★☆☆词数:272建议阅读时间:5分钟The level of background noise affects both the flavour and the crunchiness(爽脆)offoods,researchers have found.Blind
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
蛆虫以死亡组织为食,它们会产生一种化学物质,可以溶解死亡组织然后将溶解的死亡组织吸食掉。据旧外媒体报道,在近期举行的抗微生物制剂与化学疗 Maggots feed on dead tiss
In addition to its role as a barrier between blood and tissues, the vascular endothelium is responsible for the synthesis and released of a number of vasodilato