High Performance Bio-based Polyurethane Elastomers: Effect of Different Soft and Hard Segments

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_yang123
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In this work, a series of high performance bio-based polyurethanes(bio-PUs) were synthesized from polylactide(PLA)-based diols, different diisocyanates(TDI, MDI, HDI, IPDI) and chain extender 1,4-butanediol, in which different soft and hard segments are used to adjust their transition temperatures and mechanical properties. Poly(lactide-co-caprolactone)copolymer diols(co-PLAols) instead of PLA diols as the soft segment improved the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the synthesized bio-PUs. Among them, MDI-based bio-PUs have the highest T_g(43.8 °C), tensile strength(23.5 MPa) and modulus(380.8 MPa), while HDI-based bio-PUs have the lowest T_g(21.4 °C) and highest elongation at break(580%). Especially, the bio-PUs synthesized from co-PLAols and MDI demonstrate better mechanical properties,closed to petroleum-based commodities. Furthermore, the obtained bio-PUs display good shape memory properties at body temperature and cytocompatibility. Therefore, these bio-PUs are promising for applications in biomedical fields. In this work, a series of high performance bio-based polyurethanes (bio-PUs) synthesized from polylactide (PLA) -based diols, different diisocyanates (TDI, MDI, HDI, IPDI) and chain extender 1,4-butanediol, in which different soft and hard segments are used to adjust their transition temperatures and mechanical properties. Poly (lactide-co-caprolactone) copolymer diols (co-PLAols) instead of PLA diols as the soft segment improved the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the synthesized Bio-PUs. Among them, MDI-based bio-PUs have the highest T_g (43.8 ° C), tensile strength (23.5 MPa) and modulus (380.8 MPa) Especially, the bio-PUs synthesized from co-PLAols and MDI demonstrated better mechanical properties, closed to petroleum-based commodities. body temperature and cytocompatibility. Thus, these bio-PUs are prom ising for applications in biomedical fields.
(一) 良好的政治素质和思想道德素质,是文献情报人员应具备的首要条件。文献情报人员要有组织有目的、有计划、有步骤采取多种方式进行自学和随堂听课来了解、熟悉、掌握马
张某,男,58岁,因左上大叶性肺炎,于1979年6月7日住院,当时血压70/50毫米汞柱,气急、唇甲微绀、心音低钝、左上肺实变体征,X 线示左上大叶性肺炎。经大剂量青霉素静滴、卡那
黔东南丹寨县南皋镇的深山僻静处,有一个苗族居住的村落,据高俯瞰,山寨犹如一个巨大的簸箕安坐在南皋河旁的山岭上,因其形状的独尊,当地人称它为“大簸箕苗寨”。清澈的河流缓缓地绕村而过,寨民们世代侍奉着这条母亲河,也靠着南皋河富裕着自己的生活。据说几百年前先民们就是顺着河来到这幽静的山坳里,打那以后再也没有离开过这片养育他们的美丽土地。    南皋镇的石桥乡由于地理位置非常偏僻,自然环境保存得相当完好,
我院自1979年起用环磷酰胺治疗流行性出血热,现就两年来治疗63例的临床观察结果报告如下。 63例中男45例,女18例,年龄15~69岁。用随机方法选出20例为对照组,该组只用一般综合