
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengchao5618
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Objective. The laryngopharyngeal form of gastroesophageal reflux disease (LF GERD) is a frequent manifestation of supraesophageal GERD. Diagnosis of LF GERD is difficult: most of the common diagnostic methods of GERD have insufficient accuracy in establishing LF GERD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of endoscopic and laryngologic examination in the diagnosis of LF GERD and to create a laryngoscopic reflux index (LRI). Material and methods. A total of 108 LF GERD patients and 90 controls were investigated. The criteria for LF GERD were: complaints, reflux-laryngitis, and esophagitis (endoscopic-ally or histologically proven). Lesions in four laryngeal regions were evaluated: arytenoids (A), intraarytenoid notch (IAN), vestibular folds (VF), and vocal cords (VC). Three types of mucosal lesions were evaluated on a points basis: alterations of the epithelium, erythema, and edema. Total LRI was calculated by summing-up the indices in the separate laryngeal areas. Results. The LRI mean value (11.48±3.78 points) of LF GERD patients was statistically significantly greater than that (1.64±1.93 points) of the controls. The most significant laryngoscopic changes of LF GERD were: mucosal lesions of IAN, mucosal lesions of VC, and edema of VC. A combination of these three findings reliably distinguishes the LF GERD patients from controls in 95.9%of cases. The mucosal lesions of IAN have the greatest importance in diagnosing LF GERD: the odds ratio to LF GERD -21.32, p < 0.001. Endoscopic esophagitis was established in 36 (33.3%) cases. The severity of esophagitis did not correlate with the severity of the laryngeal findings. Conclusions. Laryngoscopy is superior to endoscopy in diagnosing LF GERD. Endoscopy has limited value in the diagnosis of LF GERD. Establishing the LRI could be helpful in the differential diagnosis of the disease in the everyday clinical practice. Objective. The laryngopharyngeal form of gastroesophageal reflux disease (LF GERD) is a frequent manifestation of supraesophageal GERD. Diagnosis of LF GERD is difficult: most of the common diagnostic methods of GERD insufficient sufficient accuracy in establishing LF GERD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of endoscopic and laryngologic examination in the diagnosis of LF GERD and to create a laryngoscopic reflux index (LRI). Material and methods. A total of 108 LF GERD patients and 90 controls were investigated. The criteria for LF GERD were: complaints, reflux-laryngitis, and esophagitis (endoscopic-ally or histologically proven). Lesions in four laryngeal regions were were: arytenoids (A), intraarytenoid notch (IAN), vestibular folds (VF), and vocal cords types of mucosal lesions were evaluated on a points basis: alterations of the epithelium, erythema, and edema. Total LRI was calculated by summing-up the indices in the separate laryngeal areas. Results. The LRI mean value (11.48 ± 3.78 points) of LF GERD patients was statistically significantly greater than that (1.64 ± 1.93 points) of the controls. The most significant laryngoscopic changes of LF GERD were: mucosal lesions of IAN, mucosal lesions of VC, The ecosystem lesions of IAN have the greatest importance in diagnosed LF GERD: the odds ratio to LF GERD-21.32, p <0.99, and edema of VC. A combination of these three findings substantially features of the LF GERD patients from controls in 95.9% of cases. 0.001. Endoscopic esophagitis was established in 36 (33.3%) cases. The severity of esophagitis did not correlate with the severity of the laryngeal findings. Conclusions. Laryngoscopy is superior to endoscopy in diagnosed LF GERD. Endoscopy has limited value in the diagnosis of LF GERD. Establishing the LRI could be helpful in the differential diagnosis of the disease in the everyday clinical practice.
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“一根稻草的价格怎样,关键要看它与谁捆在一起:捆在大白菜上,它就是大白菜的身价;捆在大闸蟹上,那它就是大闸蟹的身价!”  据说,这是在杭州举办的名师名校长论坛“学校规划与发展”主题论坛上,一位教授的高论。然后,这段话开始在营销课上、QQ个性留言中、微信圈里大行其道。言下之意是:我们自己并不重要,重要的是我们与谁为伍!一个人与不同的人在一起,会有迥异的价值;一个人选择不一样的平台,就有可能体现出悬殊
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