Exploring Issues Affecting the Development of Vocational College Students’ English Language Skills i

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  【Abstract】 English teaching and learning in vocational colleges in China is to develop students’ English language skills to meet the needs of their future career and studies. However, in order to help students better develop their English language skills, this paper attempts to look into the relevant issues related to both students’ learning and teachers’ teaching.
  【Key words】English language skills; teaching and learning; vocational colleges
  1. Issues related to students’ learning
  1.1 Students’ previous educational background and English proficiency
  In recent decades, with the trend of college enrollment expansion on a large scale in China, the number of college students has been growing dramatically. However, compared with undergraduate universities, most of vocational college students graduate from secondary vocational schools, and only a small part of them come from general senior secondary school. In this sense, the majority of these students’ previous academic performances are relatively weak and the differences are significant among them, particularly in English proficiency.
  In terms of English learning and language proficiency, prior to entering colleges few of these students have received comprehensive English listening and speaking skills training, and their vocabulary sizes are limited. For those students who have good English level, they normally have strong ability of autonomous learning and are more willing to engage in classroom learning and activities. While for those students who have low level of English, they lack self-regulated leaning ability and are unwilling to engage themselves in classroom discussion and learning. In this case, it is difficult for teachers to deliver knowledge, manage classroom teaching, and conduct the communication and interaction between the teacher and students.
  1.2 Students’ English learning interest, motivation and attitudes
  Students’ attitudes, motivation and interest in learning English are the key factors that influence the improvement of students’ English language skills. However, nowadays in daily English classroom most of the vocational college students are unwilling to listen to teachers’ instruction, speak in English or engage in activities, mainly because of their lack of interest, clear learning aims and good learning attitudes. Students’ low interest in learning English is mainly generated or affected by their bad performance, learning habits, and attitudes in learning English in their secondary school learning periods.   Meanwhile, due to the influence of the long-standing Chinese tradition of examination-oriented education, most vocational college students purely view classroom English learning as a training programme for the purpose of passing exams, instead of focusing on raising the awareness of developing their English communication skills for practical use in their future careers. All these lead to bad results in English teaching and learning as well as students’ lower proficiency in English.
  1.3 Students’ classroom participation and performance
  Students’ classroom participation and performance directly affects the quality of teaching and learning in vocational college English. However, the current vocational college English classroom is featured as teacher-centredness, repetitious exercise, silent and passive learning. And, lack of questioning, creative and critical thinking, student-teacher interaction and communication is easily found in daily classroom teaching and learning. It is often the case that some students may be totally absent-minded and unwilling to participate in classroom activities and communicate with their classmates or teacher, and their only focus or interest lies in their mobile phones.
  Furthermore, students tend to accept everything that their teacher teach and then take down notes without any questioning and reflection. This may be partly caused by students’ own personality, interest and confidence after many years of English learning. Another reason comes from teachers’ poor classroom management and boring teaching activities and teaching contents.
  2. Issues related to teachers’ teaching
  2.1 Teachers’ classroom teaching pattern, methods and means
  The traditional way of “monologue-like” English teaching pattern, which is teacher-centred, has still been adopted in the present vocational colleges. Teachers tend to teach in light of his or her own tastes and preferences but without fully taking into account students’ own interests and needs. Thus students are likely to write down everything that teachers put on the blackboard, who are acted as a passive knowledge receiver. Meanwhile, because of teachers’ “monologue-like” teaching pattern, students also have fewer opportunities to consider and analyze problems and express their own ideas in English. In this sense, the development and application of students’ English language competence is greatly hindered by the teachers.
  Furthermore, task-based language teaching and grammar-translation methods are mainly adopted by most of vocational college teachers, but communicative and situational language teaching methods as well as multimedia technology means are rarely combined and used in daily vocational college English classroom. Hence, students who are heavily dependent on teachers are likely to lack opportunities or be unwilling to communicate and interact with other students. Students are also immersed in a boring and monotonous classroom climate, which is difficult to motivate their interest in learning and cultivate their courage and ability to think and speak independently and creatively.   2.2 Teachers’ teaching assessment system
  In fact, great importance has been attached to the cultivation of students’ practical skills and application on the basis of the general aim of vocational college education. Also, the overall goal of vocational college English teaching is to develop students’ practical and communicative English skills by mastering the basic language knowledge such as phonetic, lexical and grammatical knowledge etc. Therefore, vocational college English teachers’ assessment of students should be based on the above mentioned general aim of English teaching and vocational college education.
  However, under the influence of traditional exam-oriented education system in China, the current assessment system of vocational college English teaching mostly focus on the scores and passing rate of related tests such as Pretco A
前言  学生围绕已有生活体验的话题,积极、自由的参与课堂讨论是“话题式”教学法的最大特点,这一方法对英语学科有着极强的适用性。虽然现在教育主管部门、新课标对学生实际的英语运用能力提出了越来越高的要求,但是笔者在实际教学过程中发现哑巴英语的情况依然随处可见。笔者认为造成哑巴英语的主要原因是学校对教师、学生的考核评价依然以考试分数为主,学校对学生及教师的评价直接影响了教学活动的效果及成败。目前,初中英
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【摘要】翻转课堂在高职英语教学中有其独特的优势,本文将分析该教学模式的优势和不足,并尝试对存在的问题探讨具体解决策略,更有效地发挥该教学模式的独特优势。  【关键词】翻转课堂;高职英语教学;应用  【作者简介】盛艳华(1982.1-),女,汉族,甘肃张掖人,硕士研究生,宁夏财经职业技术学院,助教,研究方向:外國语言学及应用语言学,英语教学法。  翻转课堂是一种新型的,区别于我国传统以教师为主导的教
【摘要】翻转课堂起源于美国,是一种以信息技术为依托的新型教学模式,这种模式不断受我国教育界所推崇。对于当前大学英语教学,将翻转课堂教学模式融入其中,有助于提高当前教学效率,使之发挥重要的意义,并根据实际教学过程中所出现的问题,制定出行之有效的对策和建议,这样才会促进我国大学英语教学的不断发展。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学英语;教学;应用  【作者简介】张攀(1986.04.02-),女,汉族,陕西
【摘要】科学技术的不断发展,信息化技术普遍应用在各个领域,并且不断提升的多媒体技术和互联网技术都严重威胁传统的英语教学模式。为了与时俱进,高职院校在信息化教学视角下进行高职英语教学的课堂设计是必然趋势。  【关键词】信息化教学;高职英语;课堂设计  【作者简介】毛景(1982.11-),女,汉族,吉林集安人,惠州经济职业技术学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向:英语教学法。  当代教学过程中非常重要的环节就
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