Effect of Si δ-Doping on the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorptions and Refractive Index Changes i

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:d102169104
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In the framework of effective mass approximation,we theoretically investigate the electronic structure of the Si S-doped InAIN/GaN single quantum well by solving numerically the coupled equations Schr(o|¨)dinger-Poisson self-consistently.The linear,nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and relative refractive index changes are calculated as functions of the doping concentration and its thickness.The obtained results show that the position and the amplitude of the linear and total optical absorption coefficients and the refractive index changes can be modified by varying the doping concentration and its thickness.In addition,it is found that the maximum of the optical absorption can be red-shifted or blue-shifted by varying the doping concentration.The obtained results are important for the design of various electronic components such as high-power FETs and infrared photonic devices. In the framework of effective mass approximation, we theoretically investigate the electronic structure of the Si S-doped InAIN / GaN single quantum well by solving numerically coupled equations Schr (o | ¨) dinger-Poisson self-consistently. Linear, nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and relative refractive index changes are calculated as functions of the doping concentration and its thickness. The obtained results show that the position and the amplitude of the linear and total optical absorption coefficients and the refractive index changes can be modified by varying the doping concentration and its thickness. In addition, it is found that the maximum of the optical absorption can be red-shifted or blue-shifted by varying the doping concentration. The resulting results are important for the design of various electronic components such as high-power FETs and infrared photonic devices.
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