Subarea characteristics of earthquake types in Yunnan

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:single654321
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Studies on the earthquake sequences and the source mechanisms of the strong earthquakes show that Yunnan hasmore obvious subarea characteristics of earthquake type.Strike-slip seismic fault and mainshock-aftershockearthquake sequences are dominant in whole Yunnan area.Considering the ratio of non strike-slip faults and nonmainshock-aftershock,Yunnan area can be divided into four subareas with different characteristics,which arestrike-slip mainshock-aftershock in central Yunnan(A1),incline-slip swarm in northwestern Yunnan(A2),strike-slip double shocks in western Yunnan(B1)and quasi-strike-slip mainshock-aftershock in southwestern Yun-nan(B2),respectively. Studies on the earthquake sequences and the source mechanisms of the strong earthquakes show that Yunnan hasmore obvious subarea characteristics of earthquake type. Trike-slip seismic fault and mainshock-aftershockearthquake sequences are dominant in the whole Yunnan area. Transactions of the ratio of non strike-slip faults and non-ishock-aftershock, Yunnan area can be divided into four subareas with different characteristics, which arestrike-slip mainshock-aftershock in central Yunnan (A1), incline-slip swarm in northwestern Yunnan (A2), strike-slip double shocks in western Yunnan (B1) and quasi-strike-slip mainshock-aftershock in southwestern Yun-nan (B2), respectively.
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