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自2011年以来,“中国水业人物”评选活动已经成功举办两届,成为水行业的年度盛事,在这里,光辉荣誉得以传承,人物风采得以展现,优秀事迹得以传播,行业精神得以彰显。2013年即将过去,回眸发展中给水排水行业走过的轨迹,增长的脉络扎实伸展,奋进的号角正在吹响,一大批技术人才、优秀学者、基层先锋和企业舵手在行业各个领域发光发热。为了进一步激发从业人员的创新精神,增强责任意识,树立行业楷模,更好地促进行业健康发展,现将启动2013年度“中国水业人物”评选活动,有关事项通知如下: Since 2011, the “China Water Industry Personality” contest has been successfully held for two sessions and has become an annual event of the water industry, where glory and honor can be inherited, character and style can be demonstrated, outstanding deeds can be disseminated and the spirit of the industry can be demonstrated . With the coming of 2013 and the review of the track of the water supply and drainage industry in development, the consummation of growth and sounding of trumpets are sounded. A large number of technicians, excellent scholars, grass-roots pioneers and corporate helmsman shine in all fields of the industry. In order to further stimulate the innovative spirit of practitioners, enhance the sense of responsibility, establish industry model and better promote the healthy development of the industry, the 2013 “China Water Industry Personality” selection activity will be launched. The relevant matters are notified as follows:
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