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从1999年第4期开始,本刊辟《幼儿主体性发展与教育专栏》,先后围绕“让幼儿成为学习的主人”、“帮幼儿成为学习的主人”、“让教师成为学习的主人”、“帮教师成为学习的主人”等命题,追踪报道了冯晓霞教授主持的北京市教育科学“九五”规划重点研究课题——幼儿主体性发展与教育研究。该专栏传达的教育理念,在读者中产生了较大反响。在报道过程中,我们还了解到,该项研究有意识地吸收了意大利瑞吉欧学园、美国海斯科普(High/Scope)的成功经验或新近研究成果,并努力使之本土化——这一点,相信有读者已从刊发的文章中读到。因此,2000年,本刊在继续开设《幼儿主体性发展与教育专栏》的同时,约请课题组成员陆续为“信息与动态”栏目撰文,着重评介意大利瑞吉欧幼儿教育体系。我们的用意,是为读者朋友提供比照本土化的瑞吉欧和原汁原味的瑞吉欧的机会。我们期待着广大读者朋友能以更理智、更主动的心态,批判性地借鉴其合理成份,使来自异国他乡的种子,最终在自己的园地里,开花结果。唯此,幼教这块热土才可能迎来姹紫嫣红的春天。 Starting from the fourth period in 1999, this publication has published the “Special Column for Childhood Development and Education”, focusing on “making young children the masters of learning”, “helping young children become the masters of learning” and “making teachers teachers of learning” “To help teachers become the masters of learning” and other propositions, follow-up coverage of Professor Feng Xiaoxia chaired the Beijing Education Science “Nine Five” key research project - the development of children’s subjectivity and education. The educational philosophy conveyed by this column has produced a great response among readers. During the course of the report, we also learned that this study consciously absorbed and tried to make localization possible through the successful experience or recent research of the Reggio Emilia Academy in Italy and High / Scope in the United States, I believe readers have read from the published article. Therefore, in 2000, while continuing to open the “Special Column for Childhood Development and Education,” we asked the members of the task force to write an article titled “Information and Motion” one by one, focusing on the review of the Reggio Emulation Education System in Italy. Our intention is to provide our readers friends with a chance to compare their local Reggio and authentic Reggio. We hope that our readers and friends will draw on their rational elements with a more rational and initiative attitude so that the seeds from other countries will eventually blossom in their own fields. Only this, preschool education this piece of land may usher in colorful spring.
幼儿园汇演“妈妈和我一起参加幼儿园汇演.用小红裙搭套兴衫美美哒!”妈妈在我的红色连衣裙外套了件大白鹅套头衫,和她穿的小红裙好呼应哦!妈妈:伞裙Lacoste斜挎包Kate Spade