
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heshang9994
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10月29日上午,《江苏当代国画优秀作品展》在北京全国政协礼堂隆重举行。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环出席开幕式并亲自为画展剪彩。他在参观展览后说,看了江苏的画展,很高兴。江苏无愧于文化大省,要继续努力,在全国保持领先地位。可以说,你们已经具备了这样的实力和基础。祝今后更加辉煌!全国政协副主席孙孚凌在开幕式上发表了热情洋溢的讲话。他首先代表全国政协对画展的成功举办表示祝贺,对支持这次画展的中共江苏省委、省政府、省政协和各有关部门表示感谢。他说,《当代国画优秀作品展》是在李瑞环主席大力倡导和亲切关怀下,由相关省级政协和全国政协书画室主办的大型系列展。他指出,认真总结国画事业经验,积极引导国画艺术健康发展,弘扬中华民族的优秀传统文化,推进社会主义先进文化的建设,是落实 On the morning of October 29, “Jiangsu Contemporary Chinese Painting Excellent Works Exhibition” was held ceremoniously at the Beijing CPPCC National Hall. Li Ruihuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the opening ceremony and personally cut the ribbon for the exhibition. After visiting the exhibition, he said he was glad to see the exhibition in Jiangsu. Jiangsu is a province worthy of culture and should continue its efforts to maintain its leading position throughout the country. It can be said that you already have such a strength and foundation. I wish you all the best in the future! Sun Fu Ling, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, delivered a warm speech at the opening ceremony. First of all, on behalf of the CPPCC National Committee, he congratulated on the successful holding of the exhibition and thanked the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government, the provincial CPPCC and all relevant departments for supporting the exhibition. He said that “Contemporary Chinese Painting Excellent Works Exhibition” is a large-scale exhibition series sponsored by the relevant provincial CPPCC and the CPPCC drawing room under the vigorous advocacy and cordial care of Chairman Li Ruihuan. He pointed out that earnestly summing up the experience in the traditional Chinese painting industry, actively guiding the healthy development of traditional Chinese painting, carrying forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation and advancing the construction of an advanced socialist culture,
提起黄山张怡清,有则趣闻。那还是1987年5月的事。国 家书画鉴定组组长、中国书法家协会主席启功与谢稚柳等几位书画名家来到屯溪山城,徜徉老街,信步走进“阮小二酒店”品(艹
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类风湿关节炎(RA)活动期多伴有血小板(PLT)增多,与白细胞介素(IL)-1 β、IL-6、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)等炎性因子密切相关.PLT也作为一种炎性介质,在RA发生发展中起重要作用