Early development of Chondrus ocellatus Holm (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta)

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acdd5230351
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Chondrus is an economically important red algae widely used for food and biochemical pur- pose. It early development is crucial for the culture and seedling propagation. We chose tetraspores and car- pospores of Chondrus ocellatus as examples for experiment of the culture, induction and release in laboratory condition, aiming to understand early development of C. ocellatus and to apply in seedling production. Ma- ture C. ocellatus were collected in Qingdao, China, from Nov. to Dec. 2004. After the gametophyte and tet- rasporophyte were brushed and washed with sterilized seawater, the algal materials were treated in 1.5% KI for 20 min, then were dried for 1h to stimulate the releasing of spores. After the spores released overnight, it were cultured in PES medium, incubated at 18 ℃, 10±2 μmol/(m2·s1) in 12:12h (light: dark). The observation and recording under microscope were carried out. Continuous observation of the early development showed that both tetraspore and carpospore are similar to each other. In general, three stages of the early development were shown being division, discoid crust and seedling stages. To the division stage, the most obvious feature was the increasing of cell number; during the discoid crust stage, the discoid crust had a three-dimensional axis, and it began to differentiate into two types of cells: the basal cells and the apical cells; and to the seed- ling stage, several protuberances-like appeared on the discoid crusts and formed juvenile seedlings. Carpo- spores and tetraspores exhibited a similar development process that included division stage, discoid crust stage and seedling stage. Chondrus is an economically important red algae widely used for food and biochemical pur- pose. It early development is crucial for the culture and seedling propagation. We chose tetraspores and car- pospores of Chondrus ocellatus as examples for experiment of the culture, induction and release in laboratory condition, aiming to understand early development of C. ocellatus and to apply in seedling production. Maurette C. ocellatus were collected in Qingdao, China, from Nov. to Dec. 2004. After the gametophyte and tet- rasporophyte were brushed and washed with sterilized seawater, the algal materials were treated in 1.5% KI for 20 min, then were dried for 1h to stimulate the releasing of spores. After the spores released overnight, it were cultured in PES medium, incubated at 18 ° C, 10 Continuous observation of the early development showed that both both tetraspore and carpospore are ± 2 μmol / (m2 · s1) in 12: 12 h (light: dark). similar to each other. In general, three stages of the early development were shown as division, discoid crust and seedling stages. the most obvious feature was the increasing of cell number; during the discoid crust stage, the discoid crust had a three-dimensional axis, and it began differentiable into two types of cells: the basal cells and the apical cells; and to the seed-ling stage, several protuberances-like appeared on the discoid crusts and formed juvenile seedlings. Carpo- spores and tetraspores exhibited a similar development process that included division stage, discoid crust stage and seedling stage.
二〇〇七年的冬天刚刚开始,我就在思考二〇〇八年的选题。作为记者,我知道媒体二〇〇八年的一个热点将是纪念改革开放三十周年。我不想加入到一场大合唱之中,只想独自梳理一下改革开放的思想源流。  于是,我把目光投向了八十年代。我认为,那是改革开放的思想源头。  虽然仅仅隔了一个九十年代,但是从二十一世纪回望过去,八十年代竟然已经显得有些陌生。那些曾经活跃一时乃至叱咤风云的人物,而今多已背影疏淡。历史难道真
这株梧桐,怕再也难得活了! 人们走过那秃梧桐下,总这样惋惜地说。这株梧桐所生的地点,真有点奇怪。我们所住的屋子,本来分成两边给两家住的,这株梧桐,恰恰长在屋前的正中,不
1992年 7月至 1999年 12月 ,我院采用体外震波碎石(ESWL)治疗尿路结石 3382例 ,其中并发晕厥 7例 ,现报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 一般资料 本组 7例 ,男性 2例 ,女性 5例。年
我科于 1997~ 1999年收治膀胱内管状异物 4例 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :本组 4例 ,年龄 16~ 2 0岁 ,均为未婚男性。因各种原因 ,将橡皮管或塑料管于尿道外口插