The Development of Legal Protection of Women's Human Rights in China

来源 :The Journal of Human Rights | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodelqm
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The legal confirmation process of women's human rights has been undergoing great difficulties both in the United Nations and among nations. The Fourth World Conference on Women plays a role in promoting the legal protection of women's human rights. Currently, the protection of women's human rights has undoubtedly become the consensus of both international and domestic law. International conventions on human rights have become an important launching area for promoting international law on women's human rights, owing to its legal binding force and supervising mechanism established under it. Domestic law has also become the first line of defense for protecting women's human rights. However, it needs to be pointed out that, for international conventions on human rights and domestic legislation, the cognition and acceptance of social gender conception has not only promoted changes on forms, but, more importantly, on revolution at substantial level. The legal confirmation process of women's human rights has been under great difficulties both in the United Nations and among nations. The Fourth World Conference on Women plays a role in promoting the legal protection of women's human rights. Currently, the protection of women's human rights has undoubtedly become the consensus of both international and domestic law. international conventions on human rights have become an important launching area for promoting international law on women's human rights, owing to its legal binding force and supervising mechanism established under it. first line of defense for women's human rights. However, it needs to be pointed out that, for international conventions on human rights and domestic legislation, the cognition and acceptance of social gender conception has not only promoted changes forms, but, more importantly on revolution at substantial level.
目的 :研究健康汉族青年唾液中一氧化氮 (NO)含量正常参考值限 ,及其与口腔龋病、龈炎的关系。方法 :分别采集口腔正常 (42名 )、有龋病 (49名 )或龈炎 (36名 )的健康汉族青
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[本期嘉宾] 三菱商事(上海)有限公司总经理室副室长三村俊[人物速写] 三村俊1991年毕业于日本一桥大学商业部,之后加入三菱商事株式会社,先后在总务部、设备管理部、总秘书