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中国注册会计师协会第一届常务理事会第二次会议于1989年9月22日至23日在京召开。名誉会长谢明、顾问李文杰、顾福佑、常务理事杨纪琬、张德明、李希文、张泽元、徐政、黄炳均等11人出席了会议。会议由杨纪琬会长主持。这次会议的主要内容有:(1)听取、审议了张德明秘书长关于协会成立十个月来的工作报告和近期工作安排,拟修改后提交第二次理事会讨论;(2)决定于今年12月在上海召开第一届理事会第二次会议,商定了理事会议程;(3)协商产生了第一届常务理事会东北、西北、西南三个大区的增补常务理事候选人,将提交理事会选举确认;(4)修改通过了《中国注册会计师协会会员会费交纳办法》,将于会后下发执行;(5)讨论了《注册会计师和会计师事务所发证办法(草案)》,并对拟定《会计师事务所财务管理补充办法》提出初步意见;(6)研究了第一次全国注册会计师考试、考核的有关事宜;(7)研究了协会当前亟需办的几件事。谢明名誉会长在会议结束时着重谈了三点意见:第一,注册会计师制度在我国还属于新 The second session of the first standing council of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants was held in Beijing from September 22 to September 23, 1989. Honorary President Xie Ming, consultants Li Wenjie, Gu Fuyou, executive director Yang Jizhi, Zhang Deming, Li Xiyen, Zhang Zeyuan, Xu Zheng, Huang Bingjun and other 11 people attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by President Yang Jiyu. The main contents of this meeting are as follows: (1) Hearing and considering Secretary-General Zhang Deming’s work report and work schedule for the past ten months since the establishment of the association, which is proposed to be revised and submitted to the second council for discussion; (2) In December, the second session of the first council was held in Shanghai, and the agenda of the council was agreed. (3) Candidates of the standing council for the first permanent council meeting in northeast, northwest and southwestern regions were negotiated. Submitted to the Board of Directors for confirmation of the election; (4) revised and adopted the “China Institute of Certified Public Accountants payment of membership fee”, will be issued after the implementation of the meeting; (5) discussed the “certified public accountants and Certified Public Accountants draft (draft)” (6) Studied the first national CPA examination, examination of the relevant issues; (7) studied the Association urgently needed to do a few things. Xie Ming Honorary President at the end of the meeting focused on three comments: First, the CPA system in our country also belong to the new
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