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  Mother: How’s your day, son?
  Alan: I had a nice talk with Grandpa about books. I think I’d like to go to a bookstore with you tonight so I can 1)check up on the books grandpa recommended. ①What do you say?
  Mother: Sure. Let’s see if you can find books by the authors he liked as a teenager. Maybe you will realize ②he is not such an old prune.
  Alan: Haha. But first of all, I want to google the books to see if I like the story lines.
  (After a while)
  Alan: Mom, can I use your credit card for a moment?
  Mother: Alan, ③don’t hold your breath.
  Alan: Oh come on, Mom! I see some books are on sale on 2)Amazon. It is a good 3)bargain as I can save up to 50 percent if I 4)purchase three books at a time.
  Mother: Well, if you can do some work around the house, like 5)mow the lawn and do your 6)laundry, I may consider it. But you see, you’ve been buying stuff that is useless to your studies. ④If you go over this budget, your dad will kick your butt.
  Alan: I know. But the price on Amazon is really appealing. I really don’t want to miss the boat. Please, Mom, can I just borrow your credit card for only this time?
  Mother: ⑤Not a chance! I really don’t understand what is the attraction of buying books on the Internet. In my day, if we wanted to read a book, we didn’t just write a check or use a credit card. We went to the library to preview the book and then decided to take the book out 7)on loan. What makes you want to buy those books online except for a good price?
  Alan: Well, the cover looks really cool and I believe the content would be as cool as its cover.
  Mother: ⑥You can’t judge a book by its cover. You are just wasting my money if the book content isn’t what you expected. Why don’t we just go to the bookstore to find these books before you purchase them online?
  Alan: Alright. Let’s go to the bookstore then. I’ll take a chance to see if we can beat the online prices.
  Mother: Great! Don’t forget to bring the booklist with you. I’ll go to get ready now. We might get your dad a good read as a birthday present.
  Alan: Cool. Mom, ⑦let’s get the show on the road. After the bookstore, how about having dinner at Sally’s Kitchen?
  Mother: Feed the mind with books and feed the stomach with delicacies, not a bad idea!
  Smart Sentences
  ① What do you say? 您觉得怎样?
  What do you say? = What do you think?
  What do you say?: used to ask the other’s opinion on sth.(用以询问他人的意见)。例如:
  I’ll go back to the office to finish the report tomorrow morning. Then we’ll meet at the Garden Steakhouse for lunch and go to see the Harry Potter movie. What do you say?
  ② He is not such an old prune. 他并不是个闷老头。
  an old prune: an old and boring person(一个老而无趣的人)。例如:
  Uncle Willy refused to be considered an old prune as he loves to surf the net, chat online and have quite a few teenage friends.
  ③ Don’t hold your breath. 别乐了。
  hold sb.’s breath: get too excited for sth. to happen(过度兴奋)。例如:
  Don’t hold your breath for tomorrow’s picnic. Mom said Dad has to go on a business trip.
  ④ If you go over this budget, your dad will kick your butt. 要是你超了预算,你爸爸绝对不会轻饶你。
  go over a budget: spend more than the budget allowed(超过预算)。例如:
  My trip to Beijing went over my budget because I bought a lot of Olympic souvenirs.
  kick one’s butt: punish or discipline sb. harshly for what he/she did(严厉惩罚某人)。例如:
  My boss is going to kick my butt for missing the meeting with his key client.
  ⑤ Not a chance! 没门儿!
  Not a chance! = There won’t be any chance for it!
  not a chance: it will be impossible for sth. to happen(不可能)。例如:
  Go to see a movie on Tuesday night? Not a chance! Do your homework at home.
  ⑥ You can’t judge a book by its cover. 你可不能以貌取“书”啊。
  judge a book by its cover: make judgment by the appearance of sth.(以貌取书,也引申为“以貌取人”,相似表达有“judge a person by his/her appearance”)。例如:
  I know Susie doesn’t have the prettiest face in the world, but judging a book by its cover can be misleading.
  ⑦ Let’s get the show on the road. 我们行动吧。
  get the show on the road: get sth. started quickly(让某事赶快开始)。例如:
  I love taking the whole family out to the countryside and can’t wait to get the show on the road.

俗话说,“吃在广州”,粤菜精致美味,茶楼酒肆林立,招揽了国内外无数食客。其实,由于特殊的地理位置和历史原因,广州除了以饮食著称外,还是购物者的天堂。与“东方之珠”香港不同的是,广州的商业区有着浓厚的历史气息,极具特色。  2010年11月12日,第16届亚运会在广州隆重开幕。广州已经作好了迎接中外游客的准备,那么,本期我们就一起循着历史文化的足迹,踏遍广州的购物圣地吧!    Enjoying t
Must-watch Reason  ☆ Sean Penn(肖恩·潘)因“山姆”一角被提名2002年奥斯卡最佳男主角。虽然他没有最终获奖,但在片中的表演实力得到一致好评。  ☆ Dakota Fanning(达科塔·范宁)如今是90后好莱坞女星中的佼佼者,在《暮光之城:新月》、《逃亡乐队》中绽放光彩的她出演该片时只有7岁,看起来相当可爱伶俐。  ☆ 片中出演山姆的朋友中就有两位智障人士,他们的表
<正>1 一般资料 气胸19例,男17例,女2例,平均年龄30.2岁。胸腔积液77例,男51例,女26例,平均年龄42.6岁。 2 方法步骤 2.1 试验组 采用负压进针法胸穿,具体方法步骤
<正> 1 材料与方法 1.1 对象 冠心病组42例其中男33例,女9例,年龄48~81岁,平均67.5岁。冠心病的诊断标准参照1980年全国内科学会建议的诊断标准(大部分病例临床有典型心绞痛发