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我们指导学生学习《登泰山记》的目的有三:其一是让学生了解泰山的古今概况,从热爱泰山推广到热爱祖国的壮丽河山,进一步培养学生热爱伟大祖国的思想感情;其二是学习游记散文的写法,特别是学习安排记叙的主线、顺序和描写景物的方法;其三是学习本文用词准确、语言简练等特点。 There are three purposes in guiding our students to study the “Deng Tai Shan Ji”: One is to let students understand the ancient and modern overview of Mount Tai, from the love of Mount Tai to the magnificent rivers and mountains that love the motherland, and to further train students’ thoughts and feelings of loving the great motherland; the second is learning travel The writing of prose, especially the way of learning to arrange the narrative, the sequence and the method of describing the scenery; the third is to learn the characteristics of the use of the word accurate, concise language and so on.
为探讨尿 AAP测定在紫癜性肾炎中的临床意义 ,本文应用速率法和放射免疫法测定 32例紫癜性肾炎患儿尿AAP和 m Alb。经观察尿 AAP与 m Alb呈正相关 (γ=0 .712 ) ,2 0例对照组
由20=2~2·5,知20有(2+1)(1+1)=6个正因数,分别是1,5,2,10,4,20。它们的正因数的个数分别是 d(1)=1,d(5)=2,d(2)=2, d(10)=4,d(4)=3,d(20)=6。从而20的所有正因数的正因数个
“虚与实”在写作上,代表两种完全相反的写作方法——虚笔与实笔(或称虚写与实写)。 “Virtuality and Reality” in writing, represents two completely opposite ways o
近来发现很多文章使用医学名词术语不够规范 ,常常将临床上的口头语作为书面名词术语使用 ,亦有的使用过时的名词术语。为了统一规范使用医学名词术语 ,便于学科或跨学科之间
例1,解不等式(x+7)~(1/2)>x+((x+1)~2-4x)~(1/2) 解:原不等式变形为 (x+7)~(1/2)>x+|x-1|在同一坐标系中分别作出函数y=(x+7)~(1/2) 与y=x+|x-1|的图象交于A、B(x_Ax+((x+1)
本文通过几个典型例题,说明概念和定义在解析几何解题中的重要性,以期引起重视。 This article explains the importance of concepts and definitions in solving geometr