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福建省三明师范学校坐落在美丽但又贫困的闽西北山区。这所学校1903年建立,是我国最早兴办的师范学校之一。近九十年来,学校饱经沧桑、历经坎坷,校址进行了三次大迁徙,校名作了十一次更易。20年前,这里是一片荒山野岭,校园内只有一条由市区通往深山的小道蜿蜒而过。20年后的今天,三明师范已经基本上实现了办学条件标准化,不少项目达全国中师上乘。学校现有校园总面积200余亩,总建筑面积25649平方米。班班有电视机、录像机、幻灯机和投影仪;运动场地(含室内球场、游泳池)达3万平方米;拥有2座音乐楼、1座美术楼和1个大礼堂。还有20亩柑桔园、2亩葡萄园、5亩菜园、出栏数140头的养猪场、年产1000公斤的鱼池等劳动技术教育基地。校园绿化率达86%,风景宜人、清新幽雅,人文景观和自然景观浑然一体。成为闽西北农村师范教育的一颗明珠,山乡师魂的摇篮。 1991年6月,国家教委颁发给三明师范一张镶嵌着国徽图样的奖状:“为基础教育培养合格师资,方向明确,成绩显著。”一时间,三明师范成了不少报刊、电台电视台竞相报道的对象,同行们也纷至沓来参观考察。昔日一所普普通通的师范学校究竟是怎样悄然蠕起,取得如此蜚然的成绩的呢? Sanming Teachers College in Fujian Province is located in the beautiful but poor mountainous areas in northwestern Fujian. Established in 1903, this school is one of the earliest normal schools in our country. Nearly nine decades, the school has experienced vicissitudes of life, after ups and downs, the site moved three times, the school name made eleven easier. Twenty years ago, it was a barren mountain ridge with only one trail on its campus leading to the mountains. Today 20 years later, Sanming Normal has basically achieved the standardization of school conditions, many projects reached the national superior division. The school has a total campus area of ​​more than 200 acres, with a total construction area of ​​25,649 square meters. There are TV, VCR, slide projector and projector in the class. The sports ground (indoor court, swimming pool) is up to 30,000 square meters. There are 2 music buildings, 1 art building and 1 auditorium. There are 20 acres of citrus orchards, 2 acres of vineyards, 5 acres of vegetable gardens, slaughter number of 140 pig farms, with an annual output of 1,000 kilograms of fish ponds and other labor and technical education base. Campus green rate of 86%, the scenery is pleasant, fresh and elegant, cultural landscape and natural landscape seamless. To become a peasant teacher education in northwestern Fujian a pearl, the cradle of Shishan teacher soul. In June 1991, the State Education Commission issued a Certificate of Merit with a National Emblem in Sanming Normal University: “The training of qualified teachers for basic education has made a clear direction with notable achievements.” For a time, Sanming Normal became quite a number of newspapers and periodicals. The object, colleagues also after another visited. What exactly was an ordinary normal school was quietly creeping up and achieving such a fantastic achievement?
非谓语动词(Non-Finite Verb),也叫非限定动词,是相对于有人称、数和时态变化的谓语动词来说的。非谓语动词是英语学习的重点内容,也是高考的必考内容,同时也是同学们学习的
Virtual Reality provides a new approach for geographical research. In this paper, a framework of the Virtual Huanghe (Yellow) River System was first presented f
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