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近期,杭州西湖风景名胜区制定出台“十二五”期间推进西湖龙井茶文化旅游休闲示范区建设规划。杭州西湖风景区范围的西湖龙井茶文化旅游休闲产业,是以所在地的农家茶楼为主体,以西湖龙井茶品牌资源为依托,以西湖景区内的自然和人文景观资源为载体,利用自然景观、农家庭院、 Recently, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area formulated “Twelve-Five” to promote the West Lake Longjing tea culture tourism and leisure demonstration area construction plan. West Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou West Lake Longjing tea culture and tourism industry is based on the location of the farmhouse as the mainstay of the West Lake Longjing tea brand resources to the West Lake area within the natural and cultural landscape resources as the carrier and use of natural landscape, patio,
Coordination interaction is itself a very broad area in chemistry,because more than half of the elements in the periodic table are transition metals.Electron tr
We have prepared silica,SiO2coated NiO and NiO coated SiO2by sol-gel method.The physicochemical properties of the desired materials were investigated by surface
The Partner Group aims at research on hybrid systems built from two types of soft matter systems:water-soluble polymers and biomimetic membranes.The main goal o
A novel, convenient and efficient approach to the synthesis of pyrrole and imidazole derivatives via the reaction between primary amines, alkyl propiolates or i