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  Just as the country lurched precariously close to economic collapse,1 we moved to Greece.
  The day we arrived, expecting the first warmth of the Mediterranean spring, it was cold—the sky gray and ominous.2 On the way home from the airport, the taxi driver asked us why we were coming here when everyone else wanted to leave.
  A couple of months later, when the banks stayed shut because they were running low on cash, I hurried to the supermarket to stock up on diapers and baby formula,3 but not much else. I knew it wasn’t necessary—our freezer and cupboards were crammed full, as usual, thanks to the regular food parcels we were sent from the horio (village).4
  In Athens, nearly everyone seems to have a village, a place of abundant orchards and vegetable patches, dedicated matriarchs, and vast reserves of plastic food-storage containers.5
  Rarely has the plenty of the village been more appreciated than during Greece’s long economic crisis. For some Athenians, food sent from back home helps plug everexpanding holes in the household budget.6

  For us, it vindicated7 our decision to move closer to my partner’s family after many years of living in South America. His mother’s preparation for a food shipment is exhaustive, almost military. Once, we found a roll of bank notes buried in a tub of dried pasta. Another time she sneaked bills into a bulging bag of carefully wrapped free-range eggs from her small farm.8
  First comes the phone call: So-and-so is driving to Athens(normally it’s her sister-in-law, but sometimes it’s a distant and slightly reluctant cousin).9 What should she send? Do we need more olive oil? Have we run out of walnuts10, coffee? Rabbit or chicken? What should she cook for the baby?
  It takes two people to unload11 the car.
  “Your mother’s gone mad,” I said, the first time I saw perhaps half a dozen shopping bags spilling their contents in our cramped hallway.12 My son and the cat investigated together. Plastic bags rustled13 and giant red tomatoes rolled across the floor.
  Individual portions of pork chops and chicken arrive frozen and neatly labeled.14 Sometimes there is a homemade casserole of cuttlefish or meatballs in egg-lemon sauce.15 Occasionally, there’s orange cake soaked in syrup or a bag of spicy cinnamon cookies from the family’s bakery in the Peloponnese.16   When I see heaps of recently harvested oranges, zucchinis, or eggplants, I worry that we won’t be able to eat them before they spoil.17 But we always do.
  For better or worse, one does enjoy being independent, however, so at first I couldn’t help feeling a little put out by what I saw as domestic interventions.18 In our 40s and parents ourselves, we were beyond mollycoddling19, I thought.
  “How does she think we managed until now?” I asked one day, wondering if my housekeeping skills were being called into question.
  Before long though, I started to look forward to the arrival of our next consignment and realized no slight was intended.20 It’s common in Greece, after all.
  A friend told me her mother and her boyfriend’s mother are locked in competition over who can send the best food parcels from their respective villages. The couple scrapes by21 on the €600 per month he earns. It’s barely enough to pay the rent and the bills, but they still manage to eat well.
  I’m already starting to look forward to our next delivery. The bustling laiki (street market) that sets up once a week near our home is a good alternative,22 but I miss the element of surprise, never knowing what we’ll find inside the carefully packed bags and plastic tubs.
  I miss being mollycoddled, too.

  1. lurch: 突然傾斜;precariously: 危险地,不安稳地;collapse: 崩溃,突然的失败。
  2. Mediterranean: 地中海的;ominous: 不祥的,不吉利的。
  3. diaper: 尿布;baby formula: 婴幼儿配方奶粉。
  4. cupboard: 橱柜;cram: 填满,塞满;parcel: 包裹。
  5. 在雅典,几乎每人似乎都有一个小村庄,那里有着产量富足的果园和菜地、勤勤恳恳的女主人,和一大片用来放置食物储存塑料箱的区域。matriarch:女族人,女家长;reserve: 专用地。
  6. plug: 堵塞,封堵;ever-expanding:不断扩大的。
  7. vindicate: 证明……正确(或合理)。
  8. sneak: 偷偷地做,偷偷地给(拿);bulging: 鼓起的,凸出的;freerange:(家禽)自由放养的。
  9. so-and-so:〈口〉某某人;reluctant:不情愿的,勉强的。
  10. walnut: 核桃(指果实),胡桃。
  11. unload:(从车上或船上)卸下,取下。
  12. spill: 使溢出,洒出;cramped: 狭窄的。
  13. rustle: 发出沙沙声,发出轻轻的摩擦声。
  14. portion:(食物的)一份;pork chop:猪排。
  15. casserole: 炖锅菜;cuttlefish: 乌贼,墨鱼。
  16. 偶尔,还会有裹满糖浆的橙子蛋糕,或一袋味道辛辣的肉桂曲奇,皆是在伯罗奔尼撒的家庭烘培店中新鲜出炉的。syrup: 糖浆;cinnamon: 肉桂皮,桂皮香料;Peloponnese: 伯罗奔尼撒,希腊南部的一个半岛。
  17. heap: 堆,大量;zucchini: 绿皮西葫芦;spoil:(食物)变质,腐坏。
  18. put out: 使不高兴;intervention:介入,干预。
  19. mollycoddle: 溺爱,宠坏。
  20. consignment: 运送物;slight: 冒犯,侮慢。
  21. scrape by: 勉强维持,勉强度日。
  22. bustling: 熙熙攘攘的,忙碌的;alternative: 供代替的选择。
青年往往关心政治,关心社会和国家——这样的关心并非通过直接管理,而是敏锐地感受社会所给予自己的,以及自己能够对社会施加的影响。  《逍遥骑士》中曾经以十分露骨的台词表达青年对国家的失望,“这个国家以前是个好国家,我不明白是哪里出了错”,“他们害怕的不是你,而是你所代表的东西”,“不,你代表的是自由……”。  公路电彩里的政治药方,同青年的政治理想一样,不是修修补补的改革,不是力挽狂澜的革命,而是“
南方的树结出奇异的果实,  鲜血沾满枝叶,渗入树根,  黑色的身躯,在南风中摇曳,  白杨树上挂着奇异的果实。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
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