Rb-Sr isotopic dating of sphalerite from the giant Huize Zn-Pb ore field, Yunnan Province, Southwest

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzptt
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The giant Huize Zn-Pb ore field in Yunnan Province, southwestern China, comprises the Qilinchang and Kuangshanchang deposits. The deposits are large in scale (more than 5 Mt of Zn and Pb) and high in grade (average grade of total Zn and Pb is 30%). Reported in this paper are the results of Rb-Sr isotopic dating of sphalerite from this ore field. Two precise ages (223.5±3.9 Ma and 226±6.4 Ma) have been obtained from two isochrons. These two ages are close to the reported ages of native copper mineralizations related to the Emeishan flood basalts in this region, which are 226 Ma to 228 Ma. Previous studies showed that the magnitude of uplift resultant from the Emeishan flood basalts is greater than 1000 m, indicating that the Kuangshanchang and Qilinchang deposits were formed during the same geological event and originated by fluid migration during uplifting resultant from the Emeishan flood basalts. The giant Huize Zn-Pb ore field in Yunnan Province, southwestern China, comprises the Qilinchang and Kuangshanchang deposits. The deposits are large in scale (more than 5 Mt of Zn and Pb) and high in grade (average grade of total Zn and Pb is 30%). Reported in this paper are the results of Rb-Sr isotopic dating of sphalerite from this ore field. Two precise ages (223.5 ± 3.9 Ma and 226 ± 6.4 Ma) have been obtained from two isochrons. These two ages are close to the reported ages of native copper mineralizations related to the Emeishan flood basalts in this region, which are 226 Ma to 228 Ma. Previous studies showed that the magnitude of uplift resultant from the Emeishan flood basalts is greater than 1000 m, indicating that the Kuangshanchang and Qilinchang deposits were formed during the same geological event and originated by fluid migration during uplifting resultant from the Emeishan flood basalts.
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