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入选理由:通过对在线视频用户的大数据分析,Netflix创造一部热播剧《纸牌屋》,也得到了一个潜力无限的宝库,甚至正在改变整个影视业的商业模式和竞争格局借助大数据,世界上最大的在线影片租赁服务商Netflix在2013年捧红了电视剧《纸牌屋》,同时也成就了自己。据Netflix发布的截至9月30日的2013年第三季度财报显示,2013年第三季度,Netflix营收达到11.06亿美元,比去年同期的9.05亿美元增长了22%;净利润达到3200万美元,比去年同期的800万美元增长了 Selected reasons: Netflix, through its big data analysis of online video users, has created a hit play “House of Cards,” a treasure trove of potential, and is even changing the business model and landscape of competition across the film industry. With big data, Netflix, the world’s largest online video rental service, hit the “House of Cards” in 2013 and made its mark. According to Netflix’s third-quarter 2013 results as of Sept. 30, Netflix reported revenue of $ 1.106 billion in the third quarter of 2013, an increase of 22% from $ 905 million in the same period last year; net profit of $ 32 million An increase of 8 million U.S. dollars over the same period of last year
Predictions on the leaching behaviour of microconstituents from dumped, stored, or immobilised wastes are based on estimates of the effective diffusion coeffic
随着北京车展的到来,作战主场的国内各个自主品牌都表现出了相当的活跃度,非常努力地利用了主场的优势,做起了主角,反而让唯一的外来客显得有些孤单。 With the advent of t
日前,由菲亚特发布的2013PandaVan,主要是针对商用与载货需求所设计。这类车型在整体汽车市场上,占有不小的销售量。新车不久后即将上市,起售价8850欧元(约合人民币6.87万元)。  外观上,PandaVan提供两种保险杠型式选配,一为与车身同色型式,若经常于工地、郊外等场所出入,耐脏且防刮的雾黑色前、后保险杠,则能提供另一样实用的选择。在车室内部,可以选择是否加载后排座椅。若以双人座车型
斯柯达这家汽车制造商有着辉煌的历史,至少,曾经辉煌过。历经战火硝烟、辗转浮沉,如今斯柯达又在大众旗下重新焕发生机。201 1年,斯柯达的年销量超过80万辆,仿佛悄无声息却又
The reduction and the oxidation of hypophosphite on a Ni-Ag electrode have been studied to provide the information about the phosphorus incorporation mechanism
This paper presents a new molecular connectivity wherein the atomic delta value is weighted by the Mulliken bond order, and thus connects effectively the molecu