
来源 :民俗研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiahongtao
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我国苗、瑶、畲等民族的祖先,历史上笃信“盘瓠”为自己的民族始祖,曾被统称为“盘瓠蛮”。直到现代,盘瓠信仰的遗俗仍然盛行在苗瑶畲族的许多支系当中。 早在汉代,盘瓠民族就以“五色衣服”、“衣裳斑斓”而闻名于世。有关盘瓠信仰者的衣着特征,最早见于《后汉书》记录的盘瓠神话之中。传说盘瓠是一只“其毛五采”的畜犬,在高辛帝与犬戎部落的战争中,盘瓠衔取犬戎将军的首级,立下了大功。为了表彰他的功绩,高辛帝把自己的女儿嫁给他为妻。盘瓠死后,他的后代”织绩木皮,染以草实”,形成了“好五色衣服,制裁皆有尾形”“衣裳斑斓”的传统风俗。 The ancestors of the Miao, Yao and She nationalities in our country have historically believed in “Panhu” as their ancestor of the nation and have collectively been referred to as the “Panhu Man”. Until modern times, the remains of faith in Panhu still prevailed in many branches of the Miao and Yao clans. As early as the Han Dynasty, the Panhu ethnic group was famous for its “colored clothes” and “gorgeous clothes”. The clothing features of Panhu believers were first seen in Panhu myths recorded in the Later Han books. Legend has it that Panhu is a “beast with its five wool plums”. In the war between Gao Xindi and the inuyen tribe, Panhu took the first rank of General Canine and set a great merit. In recognition of his merit, Gao Xindi marries his daughter to him as his wife. After the death of his father, his offspring, “venerated wood veneer, dyed straw”, formed the traditional custom of “good colored clothes and tailor-made sanctions” and “gorgeous clothes”.
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