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“我早知道技术创新是增强英国企业竞争力的关键。”这种自夸的说法会引起这样的反应:“这么多年来你一直在哪儿?”这句回话表征了英国政府对技术创新和制造业态度的转变。以上断言出自英国贸易和工业国务秘书彼得·利雷(Peter Lilley)之口。照他看来,经过了整个80年代之后,政府在这个问题上已作了明显的转变。以往占上风的观点是:英国应该放弃像制造业这样的老式产业以及维持其生存的这方面的技术创新。国家似乎应把努力的重点放在金融业和旅游业上。年初,在约翰·梅杰(John Major)正式开始他的竞选活动之前,利雷发表了关于政府重新重视技术创新的讲话。与此同时,贸易和工业部宣布,将每年向“麦克罗伯特创新奖金会(MacRobert Award forInnouation)”提供10万英镑的资金。这个奖金会是英国工程学会主持的。这笔资金将用于这个机构的正常运转与其奖金数额的提高,目前的奖额是25,000英镑。不久以前,对于这个保守党政府来说,这样使用纳税人的钱还是不可想象的。但这次突然采取的对技术创新的支持,只是贸易和工业部在整个竞选期间所计划实施的所有步骤的一部分。 2月12日,贸易和工业部在财政大臣于去年秋天公布的政府预算之外,“找到了”1600万英镑,用于今 “I knew early on that technological innovation was the key to enhancing the competitiveness of British businesses.” This boast would have given rise to the reaction: “Where have you been for so many years?” This statement characterizes the British government's commitment to technological innovation and manufacturing Change of attitude. The above assertion comes from the mouth of Peter Lilley, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry of the United Kingdom. According to him, after the entire 1980s, the government has made a clear turnaround on this issue. In the past, the dominant view was that Britain should abandon its old-fashioned industries like manufacturing and maintain its technological innovation in this area. It seems that countries should focus their efforts on finance and tourism. Earlier this year, before John Major officially started his campaign, Lley issued a speech on the government's renewed emphasis on technological innovation. In the meantime, the Ministry of Trade and Industry announced that it will provide £ 100,000 annually to the “MacRobert Award for Innation.” This prize will be hosted by the British Engineering Society. This money will be used for the normal operation of this institution and the amount of its bonus, the current prize is 25,000 pounds. Not long ago, it was unthinkable for such a Conservative government to use taxpayer money in this way. But this sudden support for technological innovation is only part of all the steps planned by the Ministry of Trade and Industry throughout the campaign. On February 12, the Department of Trade and Industry “found” £ 16 million outside the government budget announced last fall by the chancellor for the present