
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LoveYouNeverChange
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Background: Fluorescence imaging is an attractive diagnostic technique for skin tumour demarcation with potential to move to clinical use. Bi spectral fluorescence imaging combines skin autofluorescence with δ-aminolaevu- linic acid-induced fluorescence. To evaluate the technique, fluorescence data must be compared with the histopathological extent of the tumour, which is the purpose of the current study. Objectives: To investigate the agreement between bispectral fluorescence images and the histopathological tumour boundary of ill-defined basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). After fluorescence imaging the tumours were removed using Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) to obtain histopathological maps of the tumour boundaries. Methods: Twelve patients with aggressive BCC of mean diameter 16 mm (range 5-32) in the face were included in the study. The patients were subjected to bispectral fluorescence imaging within the 2 months prior to MMS. The fluorescence images and histopathological maps were aligned using image warping. Results: Five patients (42%) showed good agreement with the histopathological mapping and the remaining seven patients (58%) showed partial agreement. Bispectral investigation combining auto-fluorescence with protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence generally yielded better agreement with the histopathological boundaries of the tumours compared with using only the PpIX fluorescence. Conclusions: In this preliminary study the fluorescence has been compared with the histopathological tumour boundaries. The result implies that the technique can be applied as a useful tool for indicating tumour boundary of aggressive BCCs. Further refinement is needed to be able to indicate the exact tumour border. Background: Fluorescence imaging is an attractive diagnostic technique for skin tumor demarcation with potential to move to clinical use. Bi spectral fluorescence imaging combines skin autofluorescence with δ-aminolaevu- linic acid-induced fluorescence. To evaluate the technique, fluorescence data must be compared with the histopathological extent of the tumor, which is the purpose of the current study. Objectives: To investigate the agreement between bispectral fluorescence images and the histopathological tumor boundary of ill-defined basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). After fluorescence imaging the tums were removed using Methods: Twelve patients with aggressive BCC of mean diameter 16 mm (range 5-32) in the face were included in the study. The patients were subjected to bispectral fluorescence imaging within the 2 months prior to MMS. The fluorescence images and histopathological maps were Bispectral investigation combining auto-fluorescence with protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence generally yielded better agreement (42%) showed good agreement with the histopathological mapping and the remaining seven patients (58%) showed partial agreement. with the histopathological boundaries of the tumours with using only the PpIX fluorescence. Conclusions: In this preliminary study the fluorescence has been compared with the histopathological boundaries. The result implies that the technique can be applied as a helpful tool for indicating the boundary aggressive BCCs. Further refinement is needed to be able to indicate the exact tumor border.
例1:女,2岁,患儿于10小时前不慎从床上摔下,左前额部着地,当时昏迷情况不详,伤后8小时,神志不清,抽搐,于1989年9月28日以头部外伤,不除外颅内血肿入院. Example 1: Female,
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【内容摘要】语文是一门语言类的学科,教师在开展语文教学时,不仅要让学生们了解相关的语言知识,还要让学生们透过文字,感受到语文中的那种美,通过阅读来陶冶自己的情操,提高学生们的审美能力。  【关键词】审美意识 创设情景 想象  阅读是语文教学中的重要内容,传统的阅读教学中,教师过于强调如何提高学生们的解题能力,使学生们在阅读时,过于注重形式和解题技巧,而忽略了文字本身所具备的美。新课程理念下,教师除
美丽的地中海,深蓝的海水涌着白色的浪花,轻声歌唱。不远处,一座座房屋错落有致,橙色的屋顶、白漆刷成的墙面,在晴朗阳光的沐浴下,闪着温暖的光泽。这是西班牙北部的卡达凯斯小镇。他一只手握着画笔,一只手在画布上一点一点摸索着,确定好一个点,就用油彩做出标记,然后继续摸索……  他叫萨根·曼,是一名画家。35岁那年,视力越来越不好,医生建议他做了白内障摘除手术。6年后,他的双眼视网膜相继脱落,不得不再次到
摘要:“建筑施工技术”课程是建筑工程方向学生的专业必修课,对于高职类学生以后的工作至关重要。本文通过对该课程教学改革的探讨,希望能够对该课程各种教学改革作一点增补,旨在提高该专业的教学质量,让学生更好地学习、理解和感悟专业知识,增强学生的能力,为以后的工作打下坚实的基础,实现学生的“零距离上岗”。  关键词:建筑施工技术;教学改革;五大员;理实一体化;零距离上岗  作者简介:束必清(1980-),