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以产业的视野盘点历史“人似秋鸿来有信,事如春梦了无痕。”风吹叶落,雨打萍散,不觉又是一年将尽。每到年底,总有五花八门的各类“榜”闪亮登场,我们也加入进来,希望有独特的角度。我们所“炮制”的这张榜,只是按汉语拼音字母的顺序,它不是体育界的富豪榜,也不是用品业的百强榜,我们希望有更开阔的视野,以大产业的角度来盘点中国体育的2003。我们正记录着历史,并希望您能和我们一起把它珍藏,这也许是一本杂志存在的理由。未来几十年,中国体育将和我们的时代一起发生深刻的变化。中国将从“体育强国(所谓世界大赛的金牌指数)”向“体育大国(所谓体育产业的整体规模)”转变,体育也将从“国家体育(总体由国家投资)”向“国民体育(国民主导体育消费)”转变,两个转变的核心都是-体育产业。赋予自己所处时代以特殊的含义也许是传媒人内心的本能需求,但我们时刻在提醒着自己:做一个尽可能真实全面的记录者。这是一个最具变革性的年代,体育是这个社会的缩影,它依然具有政治的功能,比如激发自豪感,增强凝聚力,但产业化是它的大势所趋,没有谁能阻挡。我们就准备试着以这样的眼光来看待体育。盘点2003,我们选择了人物作为切入点,因为有血有肉,有喜有悲,他们是官员,是俱乐部老总,是经纪人,是明星,他们身体力行,在风生水起中“弄潮儿向涛头立”。这其中很多人习惯在暮后,以各自不同的方式影响着中国体育,但他们才是体育产业舞台上的真正主角。从一开始,我们就知道做这样一张榜事实上就是一次力不从心的冒险,但我们完成了。我们做了自己应该做和能做的。2003,这本杂志度过了25岁生日。1978年,它在中国改革大潮初起时应运而生,它忠实记录并影响着中国体育,承载了过去的光荣也憧憬着未来的梦想。我们一直在路上,我们很荣幸能与你们同行。——本刊编辑部 The history of the industry inventory of “people like autumn to have a letter, things like spring without trace.” Wind and rain, rain Pingping, do not feel another year will be done. At the end of each year, there are always a variety of “list” debut, we also joined in, I hope a unique perspective. We have “concocted” this list, only according to the order of Chinese phonetic alphabet, it is not the sports rich list, nor is the list of top 100 supplies industry, we hope to have a broader perspective, from a large industry point of view of China Sports 2003. We are recording history and hope you can keep it with us, which may be the reason for the existence of a magazine. In the coming decades, Chinese sports will undergo profound changes along with our times. China will shift from “sports power (the so-called gold medal in world competitions)” to “sports power (the so-called overall size of the sports industry)”. Sports will also shift from “national sports (from the national investment in general)” to “national sports Dominant sports consumption) ”change, the core of the two changes are - the sports industry. It may be the innermost instincts of media people to give a special meaning to the times in which they live, but we are constantly reminding ourselves to be a true and comprehensive record. This is the most transformational era. Sports are the epitome of this society. It still has political functions such as pride and cohesion. However, industrialization is its general trend and no one can stop it. We are ready to try sports in this light. Inventory 2003, we have chosen the characters as a starting point, because of flesh and blood, happy and sad, they are officials, club chiefs, brokers, stars, they personally, in the wind and waves “tidal wave to Tao.” Many of them are used to influencing Chinese sports in different ways after the twilight, but they are the real protagonists on the stage of the sports industry. From the very beginning, we knew that to do such a list was in fact an unsuccessful adventure, but we did it. We did what we should and could do. 2003, this magazine has passed its 25th birthday. In 1978, it came into being at the very beginning of China’s tide of reform. It faithfully records and influences Chinese sports. It carries the glory of the past and dreams of the future. We have been on the road, and we are honored to be with you. - editorial department
<正> 毛主席诗词三首发表以后,各地报刊陆续登载了许多学习体会文章。这些文章,与“四人帮”猖獗时的文风完全不一样了,与一九七六年词二首发表时的“研究”风完全不一样了。它们不再是离开诗词的内容实际,任意地、牵强附会地去考究这些诗词发表的“现实意义”、