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今日世界经济在种种情景下动荡不稳,美国已随之进入经济衰退时期,近日,美七大科技公司负责人在接受《纽约时报》专访时,就美国经济现状提出个人诊断,并说明将如何带领公司突破不景气重围。 盖文(摩托罗拉公司执行官)对网络经济发展表示,如果高科技业持续衰退下去,将来必定为整体经济带来严重的负面冲击。值此关头,企业不如采取务实之道,削减非必要支出、修定资本支 Today, the world economy has been in turmoil under various scenarios. The United States has entered a period of economic recession. Recently, the heads of the seven major technology companies in the United States interviewed the New York Times for their personal diagnosis of the current economic situation in the United States and how it will be Lead the company to break the downturn. Gavin (Motorola executive) on the network of economic development, said that if the continued decline of the hi-tech industry, the future will certainly have a serious negative impact on the overall economy. At this juncture, it is better for enterprises to adopt pragmatic ways of reducing non-essential expenditures and revising capital expenditures
各位领导、各位专家、各位代表 :祝贺首届国际婴幼儿科学汉字教育学术研讨会隆重召开 ,欢迎各位专家和婴幼儿教育同仁光临、参与研讨。科学汉字教育的研究在改革开放的大好形
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The coastal hard rock with a thickness of over 5 m and a distribution area of nearly 200 ha in the Haishan Island,south China,has long drawn researchers’ atten