
来源 :中国经贸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaogaoheng123
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中国煤炭资源丰富,产量居世界之首,同时又是个煤炭消费大国,产量的90%以上用于国内,出口量不到总产量的10%。 China is rich in coal resources and its output ranks first in the world. At the same time, it is also a large coal consumer country with more than 90% of its output used domestically and less than 10% of its total output.
20世纪90年代以来 ,中俄两国的政治关系上了三个台阶 :由国家关系正常化上升到建设性伙伴关系进而发展到战略协作伙伴关系。但是 ,与政治关系迅速发展相比 ,两国的经贸合作关系却
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吉林省第二地质调查所座落在风景秀丽的北国江城松花湖畔——吉林市高新技术产业开发区工业园区。前身为东北地质局1 14队,成立于1953年。1958年吉林省地质局成立后,改名为吉
Micro-aftershocks with magnitude range of 1.5-4 around the Wenchuan earthquake epicenter,the southern part of the Longmenshan fault zone,exhibit good frequency-
This research compares submarine morphology with seismic reflection profiles as they manifest tectonics in a rapidly transform continental margin (Monterey Bay,
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Heavily populated by Beijing and Tianjin cities,Bohai basin is a seismically active Cenozoic basin suffering from huge lost by devastating earthquakes,such as T