1A Study of the English Version of To Live from perspective of Hybridity Theory

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  【Abstract】This text tends to explores English version of To Live in light of Hybridity Theory. Through the analysis, it can be found that there are lots of hybridity phenomena both in linguistic level and cultural level. By using domestication strategy, it helps reader understand Chinese novel well. Besides, by using foreignization, it provides readers a special exotic charming of Chinese literatures.
  【Key words】hybridity; domestication; foreignization
  1. Introduction
  By translation, Yu Hua enjoys good reputation not only at home but also abroad and win many literature prizes. Obviously, the translation versions of these works contribute a lot to these awards. What strategies translators used is worthy of studying. When reading its English version, there are expressions, which is different from the source language. This paper intends to explore the translation strategies Michael Berry used on hybridity phenomena in the translation version of To Live. Chinese scholar Han (2002) holds that hybridity is a composite melting linguistic and cultural quality that comes from the communication and exchange between different languages and cultures. Besides, it possesses independent quality as well. It entails linguistic elements, cultural elements. Hybrid texts are produced by the translator’s choice of compromise between two languages. (Lu Hongmei, 2003). Hybridity translation helps to solve the conflict between foreignization and domestication. And this paper explores the hybridity in language and culture in To Live.
  2. Analysis of Hybridity in English version To Live
  ST1: 玩麻將(Yuhua,2012: 14)
  TT1: play mah-jong... (Berry, 2003: 18)
  ST2: 跪下来给连长叩头….(2012: 51)
  TT2I: …kneel down and kowtow to the commander (2012:61)
  ST3: 爹像是吹唢呐般地哭上了。(2010: 23)
  TT3: woodwind-like sound of my father weeping.(2003: 30)
  The first two examples embodies lexical hybridity by transliteration, which transliterated words like mah-jongg, kowtow is used in the target text. As we all know, mah-jongg is a Chinese game which is made of small pieces of wood or bone. As for kowtow, it is a former Chinese custom that lower status people kneel down with his forehead touching the ground, which is a sign of respect to upper class. Whether mah-jongg or kowtow, they all derive from Chinese pronunciation. Transliteration is one of good ways to show the respect to the source text. Though it is a little hard to understand for foreign readers, it remains unique language feature of original text and bring exotic charming. As for “唢呐”, one of the traditional Chinese musical instruments, it functions as adverb which describes the crying of Fu Gui’s father. Berry didn’t use suona but use word woodwind-like. It is a more general word which avoid the complex explanation of suona and annotation.Thus Berry remains some original simile and feature of source text.   ST4: 千万不要忘记阶级斗争。(2012: 150)
  TT4: Never forget Class Struggle. (2003: 149)
  TT5: 麻袋上都是死结,到了阴间解不开。(2012: 115)
  ST5: I won’t be able to undo it when I get to the other world. (2003: 148)
  In this English version, hybridity in culture can be found in specific political environment and religion. The example 4 reflects Cultural Revolution- a period of dark hour in Chinese history. Berry remains its Chinese flavor in the process of translation. In the example5, the word “阴间” is translated to the other world, which may easy for target readers to understand. Its connotation meaning gives them a sign for Chinese Taoism. Hybridity in culture level is achieved in various strategies among different situations. There are both source language culture and target language culture in this English version.
  3. Conclusion
  From the above analysis, English version of To Live is a hybrid text. By means of omission, addition and annotation, Berry ensures target reader understand the text well. At the same time, Berry adopts transliteration, free translation and annotation to remain the Chinese flavor of source text. It is actually the process of the application of foreignization. The match between source text and target text is like max boxing match. Both sides turn into a fight and have won and lost. The perfect translation version is produced in this process. Hybrid text undoubtedly reflects this point of view. It preserves the exotic charming of source text well and helps to disseminate Chinese literature overseas.
  [1]Berry, M. To Live[M]. New York: Random House,2003.
【摘要】英语是当前国际社会广泛应用的语言类型,更是初中阶段必修课程。学生只有学会英语才能和世界人民沟通交流,并了解其他国家文化和先进技术,因而英语学科有着不可小觑的作用。随着新课程改革的全面实施,需要初中英语教师结合学生实际情况和课程特点开展教学,提高学生学习效率和教师教学质量。对此,本文则从多方面分析新课程改革背景下初中英語高效教学策略,望给予教师提供教学参考。  【关键词】初中英语;高效;教学
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【摘要】伴随着互联网技术的飞速发展,也为英语教育带来了新的契机,以往的教育模式已经不能适应互联网时代下的发展需求。英语教师必须结合互联网 的发展优势,创新英语教育模式,不断提升英语教学质量,从而为社会培养出更加适应互联网时代的复合型人才。  【关键词】互联网 ;英语教育;模式  【作者简介】张莹璐,中山大学新华学院。  互联网 时代的不斷推进,也给教育事业带来了更加艰巨的挑战和转变,随着社会对于人
进入高年级,品德教材中增加的许多常识性课文,知识味浓而情感性不足。老师在教学目标的把握上容易出现偏差,一不小心就把品德课上成了知识型的常识课,只注重知识目标的达成,而忽视了情感目标的落实。这样的品德课堂,缺乏艺术性、趣味性,学生当然不喜欢。  正如电影需要曲折的情节和各种表现手法才能吸引观众一样,品德文本同样需要艺术地处理。童话富有幻想色彩,不仅能激发儿童的兴趣,还极具娱乐性和教育性。假如老师能用
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【摘要】思维品质是英语核心素养的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语综合语言运用能力非常关键。在初中英语学科教学中,教师要依据学情和学生认知的水平,渗透学生英语学科思维品质能力的培养,逐步引导学生自主学习的能力,从而提高课堂教学效率,提升课堂教学质量。本文结合初中英语读写整合课堂教学实践,探索英语思维品质提升的有效途径和策略,以飨读者。  【关键词】初中英语;思维品质;读写整合;策略构建  【作者简介】