Octupole Moments and Internal Rotations of Molecules

来源 :化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happyhubby
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The theory recently proposed by the author for the explauation of theobservations on hindered rotations about single bonds (Tang, 1951)is extensi-relyrevised in this paper to take the convergeace of the expanded series intoconsideration. The essential feature of this article is to separate the positivecharges at the ends of a bond from the bond electrons and then resolve theinteraction between tWO bonds into three parts:the interaction between theposigive charges, the interaction between the electron clouds, and the interaction The theory recently proposed by the author for the explaination of theobservations on hindered rotations about single bonds (Tang, 1951) is extensi-relyrevised in this paper to take the convergeace of the expanded series intoconsideration. The essential feature of this article is to separate the positivecharges at the ends of a bond from the bond electrons and then resolve theinteraction between tWO bonds into three parts: the interaction between thepossible charges, the interaction between the electron clouds, and the interaction
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