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怎样学好一门外国语,这一直是语言学家和心理学家在探讨的一个问题。十九世纪末叶,德国心理学家冯特(Wilhelm Wundt)认为“语言心理起主要作用的,不是思维,而是感觉。”于是人们提倡“直接教学法”,即不断用音响引导学生模仿,不讲什么理论规则。到了二十世纪三十年代,行为主义心理学家斯金纳(B.F.SKinner)强调用刺激引起反应,借以培养语言习惯,于是“听说法”风行一时。又因为当时结构主义语言学兴起,所以听说的内容以句型认识为主,为了改变听说法枯燥乏味的缺点,五十年代和六十年代的外语教学,都注重交际中的双向活动,这与认知心理学的兴起有关。瑞士心理学皮亚杰(J.Piaget)的认知心理学把信息和经验联系起来,启发人们认识到学习语言不是消极地接受知识,而是积极地对信息加以选择、加工。在这种认识的基础上,从七十年代开始,外语教学进入了一个新的时期,主要表现在:第一,以往的外语教学把语言当作一个独立的符号系统,不考虑使用语言时所受环境的影响,如今则重视使用语言的社会背景。第二,以往以为培养语言能力只不过使学生造出合法的句子,如今则认为语言能力还应当包括恰当地使用语言的才能。这一本《汉语情景会话》完全是以最新的语言学和心理学理论为基础编写的。 How to learn a foreign language has always been a question that linguists and psychologists are discussing. At the end of the nineteenth century, the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt held that “language psychology plays a major role, not thinking, but feeling.” People then advocate “direct teaching,” in which students continue to use audio to imitate students, not Talk about the theoretical rules. By the 1930s, Behavioral Psychologist B. F. SKinner emphasized the stimulus-provoking reaction to develop linguistic habits, so the Hear-Man Act was prevalent. Because of the rise of structuralist linguistics at that time, the content of what we heard and heard was mainly based on sentence patterns. In order to change the shortcomings of listening and speaking, the foreign language teaching in the 1950s and 1960s focused on two-way activities in communication And the rise of cognitive psychology. J.Piaget’s cognitive psychology in Swiss psychology relates information and experience to inspire people to recognize that learning language does not passively accept knowledge but rather actively chooses and processes information. Based on this understanding, since the seventies, foreign language teaching has entered a new period, mainly manifested in the following aspects. Firstly, in the past, foreign language teaching regarded language as an independent symbolic system, irrespective of the use of language Affected by the environment, social contexts that use language today are now valued. Second, in the past, cultivating language proficiency only made students legitimate sentences, and now they think that language proficiency should also include the ability to use language properly. This “Conversation of Chinese Situations” is entirely based on the latest theories of linguistics and psychology.
戈登·班克斯上世纪六七十年代,是世界足球史上门将最辉煌的时代,雅辛(Lev Yashin,1929年出生)登峰造极,佐夫(Dino Zoff,1942年出生)冉冉升起,在这两位足球史上最伟大的门将