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改革开放三十年,对外交往日益扩大;卫星电视、互联网普及,大型喷气机剧增,使13亿国人与65亿地球人。有了“天涯若比邻”之感,地球村村民人人都有了接触“外国人”的机会。关注不同民族文化背景、文化差异,避免误解、冲突,提高沟通艺术,达到交流效果,成了我们大家饶有兴味的课题。本刊顾问赵启正同志长期从事国务院新闻办和中央外宣办领导工作,对外交往阅历丰富,心得独到,他的经验与心得在我们的日常生活中也常能碰到,值得借鉴,对我们提高文明与素养多有助益。从本期开始,本刊以连载形式,邀请他以亲身经历、切身感悟。与读者探讨中外交往中常见的话题,每期一至二则,会心一笑,开卷有益。 Thirty years of reform and opening up have seen a steady increase in diplomatic relations with other countries; the popularity of satellite television and the Internet has increased dramatically, with 1.3 billion people and 6.5 billion people on earth. With the feeling of “End of the World If Neighbors”, everyone in the global village has the opportunity to contact “foreigners”. Focusing on different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, cultural differences, avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts, and improving the communication art to achieve the result of exchange has become a topic of great interest to all of us. Our consultant Zhao Qizheng has long been engaged in the work of the State Council Information Office and the Central Government’s Office of Public Outreach. He has extensive experience in foreign affairs and experiences. His experiences and experiences are often encountered in our daily life. It is worth learning from and enhancing our civilization And more than helpful. From the beginning of this issue, the magazine in serial form, invited him to personal experience, personal insights. Discuss with readers the common topics in Chinese and foreign exchanges, each one to two, knowing smile, open book useful.
小学毕业时,自幼喜欢绘画的李可染决定沿着这条路走下去。他听说上海有一所美术学校,便在16岁那年直奔而去。该校就是刘海粟于1912年与友人创办的上海 When I graduated fro
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欢迎午宴的桌名以牡丹月季茉莉等花名命名,根据各位贵宾的饮食禁忌和不同语言,宴会菜单和讲话稿也特意添加了个性化的安排,例如摆在阿拉伯国家贵宾桌上的菜单和讲话稿就是阿语和左开面的      今年夏天,共有上百位各国元首政府首脑王室代表及其他政要莅临北京,出席北京奥运会这一百年盛事作为北京奥运会国际贵宾协调接待中心的一名工作人员,我全程参与奥运接待工作,并亲眼目睹了各国政要的风采    开幕式    奥
患者男32岁住院号252021 双眼近视10余年,双眼视力均为4.0(—4.00DS)。于1992年5月10日在吉林省某医院行双眼RK 术,术中经过顺利,无穿孔,深度95%,8条切口。术后10个月余视力
无奈的“会” 在春季会议高潮过去之后,有关各方正在紧锣密鼓地筹备秋季的一系列会议。据了解,在9、10月份仅全国性的汽配定货会就有4个,分别为“50周年全国汽车零部件、汽
AIM: To ascertain clinical outcome and complications of self-expandable metal stents for endoscopic palliation of patients with malignant obstruction of the gas
下睑内翻是农村一种常见的眼科疾病。从1986年3月份我们采用简易烧灼术治疗下睑内翻,收到了良好的效果: 手术方法:0.5%地卡因结膜表面麻醉, 眼科手术常规消毒,2%利多卡因局部