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1972年,尼克松、田中先后访华,中国外交战线硕果累累。这年4月,廖承志访日,韩叙赴美组建中国驻美联络处,美助理国务卿詹金斯来华商谈建立美国驻华联络处。乔冠华为外交事业的成就兴奋不已,欣喜之余写了一首打油诗的前三句: 八重楼下廖公子, 五月花中韩大哥。欢欢喜喜詹金斯……乔问同事,谁能想出佳句填最后一行?大家七嘴八舌,有的说“喜上眉梢乔老爷”,有的说“得意洋洋乔老爷”。乔都说不好。 In 1972, Nixon and Tanaka successively visited China and the diplomatic front of China has achieved fruitful results. In April of this year, Liao Chengzhi visited Japan and Han Syrian went to the United States to form a liaison office with the United States in the United States. U.S. Assistant Secretary Jenkins visited China to establish a liaison office with the United States in China. Qiao Guanhua excited for the success of the diplomatic cause, wrote a joyous addition to the first three sentences of the poem: Liao Gongzi downstairs eight, China and South Korea Mayflower big brother. Joyous Jenkins ... Joe asked colleagues, who can think of a good sentence to fill the last line? Everyone talkative, and some say “beaming Joe master”, and some say “proud Joe master.” Joe said bad.
受本栏目主持人之托,笔者一路风尘地赶到12集惊险武打连续剧《名探端》木的外景拍摄基地,乘拍摄间隙,我采访 By the column host, the author rushed all the way to 12 set