
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:racerdan
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思想政治工作是我们党的传家宝,是经济工作和一切工作的生命线,是搞好两个文明建设的重要保证。实际工作中,我们必须要积极探索市场经济条件下做好思想政治工作的新思路、新方法,坚持以人为本,按照人的活动搞好思想政治工作。当前,社会上有一些不健康的现象。一些人不讲奉献,只求索取,拜金主义、极端个人主义、享乐主义在一些地方和单位也很盛行。就拿我工作的交通部门来说,受社会环境的影响,也有个别职工搞起了以权谋私和吃拿卡要,公路“三乱”事件时有发生。之所以发生这些问题,表面看是受社会不良风气影响,但个别职工理想信念不牢固, Ideological and political work is the heirloom of our party, the lifeline of economic work and all work, and an important guarantee for improving the two civilizations. In practical work, we must actively explore new ways of thinking and doing new work in ideological and political work in a market economy, adhere to the people-oriented principle and do a good job in ideological and political work in accordance with human activities. At present, there are some unhealthy social phenomena. Some people do not talk about dedication but seek justice. Money worship, extreme individualism and hedonism are also popular in some places and units. Taking the transportation department that I work for, due to the influence of the social environment, there are also some individual workers who have taken the opportunity to abuse their power for personal gains and eat their cards, and the “three chaos” road accidents have taken place. The reason why these problems occur is, on the surface, affected by the bad social atmosphere. However, the individual employees’ ideals and beliefs are not strong enough,
“运动改变城市,体育促进发展”的办赛理念,不但促使城市面貌改变,经济社会发展,更高度阐述了区运会的功能和内涵。 “Sports to change the city, sports for development
In recent years, various initiatives have been taken on safety management by the interna- tional and national maritime industries such as IMO Goal-based Standar
世界上究竟有多少种语言呢?据有关方面统计,截止到今年,地球上50多亿人口每天说的语言种类达6000种之多。 据语言学家推算,公元前地球上曾有12000种语言存在,公元元年时降为
本文论述用于激光荧光肺癌诊断图象处理系统滤光片的膜系设计,制备这套滤光片所采取的工艺措施,最后给出研制的结果. This paper discusses the design of the membrane system