编辑大师茅盾(三) 第三章 不妥协不退却的《文学》

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1933年新春。虽然才到正月初四,竟听不到几声鞭炮响。母亲在厨房唠叨着: “年也不象个年了。”茅盾坐在沙发上,看着两个孩子在争论和玩,自己有时也插进去逗他俩几句。这是他难得的轻闲。前年秋天,茅盾开始动笔写长篇小说《子夜》。为了不被杂事烦扰,他向雪峰请了长假。鲁迅先生很支持他,说现在左翼文艺只靠发宣言是压不倒敌人的,要靠我们的作家拿出点实实在在的东西来。经过一年的努力,到1932年秋,《子夜》基本完成,后交给开明书店出版。春节前,茅盾已收到《子夜》的样书,他立刻拿了一本送给鲁迅先生。《子夜》在社会上将有什么反应,茅盾在等待着。 1933 New Year. Although only to the first day of the fourth month, actually can not hear a few sound of firecrackers. My mother nagged in the kitchen: “It was not like years for years.” Mao Dun sat on the couch, watching the two children arguing and playing, and sometimes they inserted to tease them a few words. This is his rare ease. The year before last fall, Mao Dun started writing novel “Midnight.” In order not to be disturbed by chores, he took a long vacation Xuefeng. Mr. Lu Xun supported him very much. He said that now that left-wing literature and art rely solely on declarations to suppress the enemy, it is up to our writers to come up with something in fact. After a year of hard work, by the autumn of 1932, “Midnight” was basically completed and handed over to the publication of Kai Ming Bookstore. Before the Spring Festival, Mao Dun had received a sample of “Midnight,” and he immediately took a copy for Mr. Lu Xun. “Midnight” in the community will have any reaction, Mao Dun is waiting.
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