Analysis of security protocols based on challenge-response

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mini8912
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Security protocol is specified as the procedure of challenge-response, which uses applied cryptography to confirm the existence of other principals and fulfill some data negotiation such as session keys. Most of the existing analysis methods, which either adopt theorem proving techniques such as state exploration or logic reasoning techniques such as authentication logic, face the conflicts between analysis power and operability. To solve the problem, a new efficient method is proposed that provides SSM semantics-based definition of secrecy and authenti- cation goals and applies authentication logic as fundamental analysis techniques, in which secrecy analysis is split into two parts: Explicit-Information-Leakage and Implicit-Information-Leakage, and correspondence analysis is concluded as the analysis of the existence relationship of Strands and the agreement of Strand parameters. This new method owns both the power of the Strand Space Model and concision of authentication logic. Security protocol is specified as the procedure of challenge-response, which uses applied cryptography to confirm the existence of other principals and fulfill some data negotiation such as session keys. Most of the existing analysis methods, which either adopt theorem proving techniques such as state exploration or logic reasoning technique such as authentication logic, face the conflicts between analysis power and operability. To solve the problem, a new efficient method is proposed that provides SSM semantics-based definition of secrecy and authenti cation goals and applies authentication logic as fundamental analysis techniques, in which secrecy analysis is split into two parts: Explicit-Information-Leakage and Implicit-Information-Leakage, and correspondence analysis is concluded as the analysis of the existence relationship of Strands and the agreement of Strand parameters. This new method owns both the power of the Strand Space Model and concision of authentication logic.
据瑞士《国际防卫评论》1980年8月报道,日本 Fujinon 公司研制成功一种称为“Stabi—scope”的陀螺稳象双目望远镜,据称这是一项技术突破。当使用倍率10×以上的高倍望远镜
多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)的诊断主要基于中枢神经系统病灶在时间上和空间上多发性的临床证据,且需除外可引起这些损害的其他疾病。目前被广泛应用的诊断标准有两种