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江泽民总书记在“七一”讲话中,明确要求“全党同志要始终坚持一切为了群众、一切依靠群众的根本观点,坚持党的群众路线,深入群众,深入基层,倾听群众呼声,反映群众意愿,集中群众智慧,使各项决策和工作符合实际和群众要求”。群众路线作为我们党的三大法宝之一,是我们党由弱到强、战胜各种艰难险阻、不断取得事业成功的根本保证。坚持群众路线,就应从群众中来,到群众中去,积极而自觉地集中群众智慧,做出符合研究所实际、社会发展要求和科技发展客观规律的战略决策;就必须宣传、发动群众,调动群众积极性,团结和凝聚广大群众一道共同努力实现研究所的发展目标;就必须主动接受群众的监督,以广大群众是否满意作为检验我们各项工作的标准。坚持群众路线不能只停留在口头上或文字中,务必体现在我们工作实践中做出决策、组织实施和检查反馈的全过程中。 In his “July 1” speech, General Secretary Jiang Zemin clearly demanded that “all the comrades in the party should always adhere to the fundamental viewpoint of all for the sake of the masses and all depending on the masses, uphold the party’s mass line, deepen the masses, go deep into the grass roots, listen to the voices of the masses, Reflect the will of the masses and concentrate the wisdom of the masses so as to conform various policies and work with the requirements of the masses and the masses. ” Being one of the three magic weapons for our party, the mass line is the fundamental guarantee for our party’s success from weak to strong, overcoming difficulties and obstacles, and continuously obtaining success. In upholding the mass line, we should come from among the masses, go among the masses, actively and consciously concentrate the wisdom of the masses, and make strategic decisions that conform to the reality of the Institute, the requirements of social development and objective laws governing the development of science and technology. We must publicize and mobilize the masses and mobilize the masses The enthusiasm of the masses, unite and unite the masses of the masses to work together to achieve the Institute’s development goals; we must take the initiative to accept the supervision of the masses, with the satisfaction of the masses as a test to test our various work standards. To uphold the mass line can not stop at verbal or written words, and must be reflected in the whole process of making decisions, organizing the implementation and checking feedback in our work practices.
中国共产党十八届三中全会11月12日在北京闭幕,确定了划时代的全面深化改革新蓝图。为期四天的会议在中国关键十字路口树立了里程碑,中国改革站在了新的历史起点上。 The Th