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最近,中国开辟了希腊的旅游热线。东方的文明古国中国与遥远的希腊,将成为人们关心的热点,因为2004年奥运会将在希腊举行,而接过接力棒的将是2008年举办奥运会的中国。希腊,是奥林匹克运动会的发源地。早在公元前15世纪,雅典人为祭祀宙斯神,在奥林匹亚举行盛典和竞技会,优胜者的奖品是橄榄枝编成的圆环。这种竞技会每4年举办一次。这就是现代奥运会的雏形。在罗马帝国统治时期,罗马大帝下令禁止异教徒举行祭典,奥林匹亚竞技会被迫停办。1894年,根据法国教育家顾拜旦的建议,召开了恢复奥林匹克运动的代表大会,成立了国际奥委会。1896年在雅典举行了第一届现代国际奥运会。从此,“和平、友谊、进步”就成为奥运会崇高的体育精神。 Recently, China opened up a tourist hotline in Greece. The ancient civilizations of the East China and distant Greece will become the hot spots of concern because the 2004 Olympic Games will be held in Greece and the relay baton will be the China that hosted the 2008 Olympic Games. Greece, is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. As early as the 15th century BC, the Athenians sacrificed for the god of Zeus, celebrations and competitions in Olympia, and the prize for the winner was a ring made of olive branches. This tournament will be held every 4 years. This is the prototype of the modern Olympic Games. During the reign of the Roman Empire, the Roman Emperor ordered the pagans to be banned from holding ceremonies, and the Olympia Games were forced to suspend their operation. In 1894, on the advice of the French educator Coubertin, a convention was held to restore the Olympic Movement and the International Olympic Committee was established. The first modern international Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. From then on, “peace, friendship and progress” have become the lofty sportsmanship of the Olympic Games.
To describe a first case of parasitic twin achieved after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Case report. Perinatal center at a Japanese university hospit
1 病例介绍患者 ,男性 ,6 2岁。因“类风湿性关节炎活动期”,在门诊予以“青霉素钠”2 40万 U静滴 (使用前皮试为阴性 )。滴注半小时即感全身不适 ,立即终止输注 ,2 h后出现
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