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近二十余年以米,对免疫学的含义有了新的看法,认识到“免疫”不仅是单纯的抗感染的作用,而是具有识别“自己”与“非己”、排斥异已物质,从而调节与维持机体内部生理平衡与稳定。由于异物的性质与机体的状况不同,在排斥异物中可以出现不同的结局。若在反应过程中仅仅将异已物质排斥清除而不损害自己,则属于生理性防护免疫,主要为抗感染免疫;反之,若反应过强或过 In the past 20 years and more, it has brought a new view on the meaning of immunology. It is recognized that “immunity” is not only a simple anti-infective effect, but also has the function of identifying “oneself” and “non-self” , So as to regulate and maintain the body’s internal physiological balance and stability. Due to the different nature of the foreign body and the body’s condition, there may be different outcomes in the rejection of the foreign body. If in the course of the reaction will only be different materials have been excluded excludes themselves without harm, then belong to the physiological protective immunity, mainly for anti-infection immunity; the other hand, if the reaction is too strong or too
通过本院近10年2638对自发流产夫妇的染色体核型的回顾性整理,我们对自发流产夫妇的染色体异常频率和构成,不同流产次数和夫妇各方染色体异常率的差异进行考查和分析.1 材料
据了解,农村里惯用大黄、牛黄等中药给新生儿“泻火”。这是无科学依据的。而且,常因用量过大而造成中毒。现报告1例,望引以为戒,并向当地群众宣传。 It is understood that
为了完善社会信用体系,促进社会和谐发展,打造汽配行业诚信形象,促进我国汽配企业共同参与诚信事业,树立我国汽配企业良好的信誉,由中国汽车汽配用品行业 In order to impro
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