
来源 :上海革命史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sailor111
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2002年12月28日,阳光明媚,风和日丽,是一个难得的“冬天里的春天”。在共青团上海市委和社会各方面的关注、支持和共同努力下,中国共产党和共青团的创始人之一俞秀松同志铜像、碑墓在上海青浦福寿园落成。参加铜像落成仪式的有上海市有关领导、浙江省共青团领导和诸暨市府的领导及上海各界人士和亲友100多人。铜像揭幕仪式由上海市文史研究馆黄汉文副馆长主持,上海市政协副主席刘恒椽和俞秀松烈士的夫人安志洁为铜像揭幕,中共“一大”纪念馆 December 28, 2002, the sunny, sunny, is a rare “winter in the spring.” With the concern, support and concerted efforts of the Communist Youth League Shanghai Municipal Committee and all sectors of society, the bronze statue and tomb of Comrade Yu Xiusong, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Youth League, was completed at Fu Shou Yuan, Qingpu, Shanghai. The ceremony for the bronze statue was attended by leaders from Shanghai, heads of the Communist Youth League of Zhejiang Province and the Zhuji municipal government, and more than 100 people and relatives and friends from various circles in Shanghai. The unveiling ceremony of the bronze statue was presided over by Huang Hanwen, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Museum of History and Literature. Liu Hengqian, vice chairman of the CPPCC Shanghai Committee and An Zhijie, the wife of the martyr Yu Xiu Song, unveiled the bronze statue of the “Great One”
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