
来源 :安徽医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houzhuo111
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男,60岁,右腰部窦道反复流脓二年余。1985年因右肾结石伴脓肾在外院行右肾切除术。术后月余切口溃破,流出大量脓液,形成窦道。二年来患者在原医院扩创10余次,窦口仍未愈合,1987年5月转入我院。体检:右腰部切口长约15cm,切口中段窦口挤压有脓液流出。IVP左肾显影良好,右侧未显示。入院后经抗感染后在硬麻下行右腰部窦道扩创术。术中见周围组织粘连较重,沿窦道分离至肾窦,手指触及柔软的团块,取出为黄色已腐烂之纱布。取净碎片,用生理盐水反复冲洗创口,腔内放入粉剂青霉素480~μ,并置皮管引流。术后恢复顺利,痊愈出院 Male, 60 years old, right waist sinus repeated pus two years. In 1985 due to the right kidney stones with purulent kidney surgery in the right nephrectomy. Months after incision ulceration, a large number of pus outflow, the formation of sinus. In the past two years, patients in the original hospital expanded more than 10 times, the ostium has not healed, in May 1987 transferred to our hospital. Physical examination: the right lumbar incision is about 15cm long, middle incision sinus pus squeeze outflow. IVP Left kidney developed well, right side not shown. Admission after anti-infection in the right lower torso sinus surgery. See intraoperative adhesions around the heavier, along the sinus separation to the renal sinus, fingers touching the soft mass, remove the yellow decay gauze. Take the net debris, rinse the wound repeatedly with saline, the penicillin powder into the cavity 480 ~ μ, and set the drainage tube. Postoperative recovery smoothly, discharged
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