More Discussion on High Efficiency & Low Cost Clean Steel Production Platform

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shy712108
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The construction of high efficiency, low cost clean steel platform is one of the common key technologies concerning efficiency, quality and cost. It is basic and universal and not only applicable in the R&D and production of “high-end” products, but also in the production of bulk ordinary steel products. The platform of high efficiency, low cost clean steel is the important direction of modern steel technology progress and has great significance on the competitiveness of each steel plant. The research of high efficiency, low cost platform not only involves the production and management of the steel plant, but also the academic research field (process engineering and dynamic operation) and theories and methods innovation of engineering design (theory and method of dynamic-precision design). The integrated theory and method of high efficiency and low cost clean steel platform is the binding point of metallurgical process engineering and material engineering. Different types of high efficiency, low cost clean steel platform should combine with the corresponding rolling process and iron making process so that high efficiency, low cost clean steel manufacturing system would come into being. The construction of high efficiency, low cost clean steel platform is one of the common key technologies concerning efficiency, quality and cost. It is basic and universal and not only applicable in the R & D and production of “high-end” products, but also in the production of bulk ordinary steel products. The platform of high efficiency, low cost clean steel is the important direction of modern steel technology progress and has great significance on the competitiveness of each steel plant. The research of high efficiency, low cost platform not only involves the production and management of the steel plant, but also the academic research field (process engineering and dynamic operation) and theories and methods innovation of engineering design (theory and method of dynamic-precision design). The integrated theory and method of high efficiency and low cost clean steel platform is the binding point of metallurgical process engineering and material engineering. Different types of high eff iciency, low cost clean steel platform 应 combine with the corresponding rolling process and iron making process so that high efficiency, low cost clean steel manufacturing system would come into being.
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