Evolving management of metaplasia and dysplasia in Barrett's epithelium

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z957558481
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Oesophageal cancer affects more than 450000 people worldwide and despite continued medical advancements the incidence of oesophageal cancer is increasing. Oesophageal cancer has a 5 year survival of 15%-25% and now globally attempts are made to more aggressively diagnose and treat Barrett’s oesophagus the known precursor to invasive disease. Currently diagnosis the of Barrett’s oesophagus is predominantly made after endoscopic visualisation and histopathological confirmation. Minimally invasive techniques are being developed to improve the viability of screening programs. The management of Barrett’s oesophagus can vary greatly dependent on the presence and severity of dysplasia. There is no consensus between the major international medical societies to determine and agreed surveillance and intervention pathway. In this review we analysed the current literature to demonstrate the evolving management of metaplasia and dysplasia in Barrett’s epithelium. Oesophageal cancer affects more than 450000 people worldwide and despite continued medical advancements the incidence of oesophageal cancer is increasing. Oesophageal cancer has a 5-year survival of 15% -25% and now globally attempted to more aggressively diagnose and treat Barrett’s oesophagus the known precursor to invasive disease. Currently diagnosis of of oesophagus is predominantly made after endoscopic visualization and histopathological confirmation. Minimally invasive techniques are being improved to the viability of screening programs. The management of Barrett’s oesophagus can vary greatly dependent on the presence and severity of There is no consensus between the major international medical societies to determine and agreed surveillance and intervention pathway. In this review we analyze the current literature to demonstrate the evolving management of metaplasia and dysplasia in Barrett’s epithelium.
目的 探讨儿童急性髓系白血病的住院费用构成与住院费用变化趋势,为有效控制相关费用提供依据.方法 收集沈阳市某三甲医院2012年1月1日-2017年12月31日儿童急性髓系白血病的
高油玉米是籽粒含油率达到6%以上的高附加值的新型玉米。由于没有天然的高油玉米种质,人工创造高油玉米种质显得非常重要。本研究利用现有的高油玉米单交种(含油率8%左右)进行自交或复交,并在分离世代连续自交,用核磁共振仪(mq-20)单粒测定其自交或杂交果穗所有籽粒的含油率。通过分析资料,得到以下结论: 1、经过4—6代的连续自交与选择,可以获得含油率达到14—16%、农艺性状表现较好的高油玉米种
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本研究主要从两方面进行:一是研究有色棉纤维的超微结构、发育特点及色素物质的生化特性;二是有色棉细胞质雄性不育小孢子发生的细胞学观察和杂种优势表现。旨在进一步了解有色棉色素形成和纤维发育的特点,并通过杂种优势解决有色棉产量低、品质差等缺点,现将本研究的主要结论列述如下: 用有机溶剂(乙醇、乙醚、二甲苯)、酸碱溶液不能将有色纤维中的色素物质抽提出来,而用HNO_3/乙醇比色法能够将有色纤维...