Preparation,structure and luminescence properties of deep red phosphors SrSiN_2:Eu~(2+)

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayayda
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This paper reported a novel synthetic route to Eu2+ doped SrSiN2 deep red phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. A series of single-phased and high-efficiency Sr Si N2:Eu2+ red phosphors were synthesized based on this method. Their structure, morphology, luminescence, quantum efficiency(QE) and thermal quenching properties were investigated and compared with those of Sr Si N2: Eu2+ prepared by the conventional route. It was found that the addition of a small amount of Si3N4 could promote the formation of Sr Si N2 from Sr2Si5N8 phase. A highly uniform rod-shaped morphology was obtained based on this method. The X-ray powder diffraction and the Rietveld refinement analysis identified the preferential crystalline orientation growth. Under the blue light excitation, Eu2+ doped Sr Si N2 phosphors showed excellent optical properties. Compared with those prepared by the conventional approaches, the external QE of Sr Si N2:Eu2+ phosphor was greatly improved, allowing it a promising phosphor for white LEDs. This paper reported a novel synthetic route to Eu2 + doped SrSiN2 deep red phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. A series of single-phased and high-efficiency Sr Si N2: Eu2 + red phosphors were synthesized based on this method. Luminescence, quantum efficiency (QE) and thermal quenching properties were investigated and compared with those of Sr Si N2: Eu2 + prepared by the conventional route. It was found that the addition of a small amount of Si3N4 could promote the formation of Sr Si N2 from Sr2Si5N8 phase. A highly uniform rod-shaped morphology was obtained based on this method. The X-ray powder diffraction and the Rietveld refinement analysis identified the preferential crystalline orientation growth. Under the blue light excitation, Eu2 + doped Sr Si N2 phosphors showed excellent optical Compared with those prepared by the conventional approaches, the external QE of Sr Si N2: Eu2 + phosphor was greatly improved, allowing it a promising phospho r for white LEDs.
例1.孕妇23岁,孕1产0。孕24周来院检查:宫高28cm,腹围82cm,胎位查不清,胎心140次/分。B 超探儿头位耻上,BPD6.3cm,脊柱正常,骶尾椎下可探一边界规整、平滑、壁薄的囊实性肿
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