
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skylishuai
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生源实际是教育实践创新的立足点和突破口,这是我在长期的学校管理实践中悟出的一个深刻道理。记得当年在普通中学工作时,学生100%来自农村,学生基础参差不齐,学习困难生由于家庭经济的原因,辍学现象十分严重,一部分学生由于对学习失去信心,旺盛的精力负向宣泄,学生犯罪率居高不下。面对这样的工作环境和生源对象,我在学校管理中不是头痛医头,脚痛医脚地治“标”,而是从纷繁复杂的诸多矛盾中抓住问题的症结来治“本”。这个“本”就是学生学习信心的不足。于是,我努力寻找解决问题的突破口:千方百计引导学生旺盛精力的正向投入。当时,我比较早地提出了“面向全体,分类指导,分层推进”的教学策略,并付诸实践。把一些学习极端困难的学生组成了“实科班”进行小班化教学,针对学生实际,降低学科难度,落实学科“双基”,增加劳动技能实科教学。学生小步快走,不仅有了成就感,更使这种成就感转化为学生继续投入学习的积极性。学生的劲头有处使了,游手好闲和惹事生非的 The source of students is actually a foothold and breakthrough point for educational practice innovation. This is a profound truth that I have realized in my long-term school management practice. I remember that when I was working in an ordinary middle school, 100% of the students were from rural areas. The student foundations were uneven, and because of family economic reasons, students with learning difficulties were very serious in dropping out of school. Some students lost their confidence in learning, and they were exposed to their energy. The crime rate remains high. In the face of such a work environment and student source, I am not a headache-header in the management of the school. I have to deal with “standards” with my feet and feet, but from the numerous and complex contradictions to grasp the crux of the problem to cure the “origin.” This “basic” is the lack of student confidence in learning. As a result, I tried to find a breakthrough to solve the problem: do everything possible to guide the students to invest in positive energy. At that time, I proposed the teaching strategy “towards the whole, classified guidance, and stratified promotion” earlier and put it into practice. Some students with extremely difficult learning are formed into “study classes” for small class teaching, aiming at the actual situation of students, reducing the difficulty of subjects, implementing the “dual basis” of disciplines, and increasing the practical teaching of labor skills. The student’s small stepping pace not only has a sense of accomplishment but also translates this sense of achievement into students’ enthusiasm for continuing to invest in learning. The student’s strength makes it easy to make things easy and troublesome
“下雪了!”早上拉开窗帘,我一声惊呼。惊喜之余,瞬间似乎所有北京人都被我从沉睡中惊醒,并发出一致的赞叹。  最意外的是,昨晚深秋的雨淅淅沥沥,我在昏暗的路灯下撑着伞,踏着落叶,深深地吸着寒冷潮湿的空气,情不自禁地说了句:多么希望下雪呀。  没有想到,万万没有想到,呵呵!我看着窗外飘飘洒洒的雪花,耳畔响起歌词和诗句:我爱你塞北的雪。一片,两片,三五片,散入丛林都不见。忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。