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根据《国务院批转国家计委、国家经贸委关于改革原油、成品油流通体制的意见的通知》(国发[1994]21号)精神,结合我省实际,现就有关问题通知如下:一、切实搞好成品油供需总量的综合平衡和资源的合理配置省计委要在充分调查研究的基础上,科学预测年度成品油需求总量,向国家计委提出申报计划;根据国家计委下达年度资源分配计划,结合各地提出的需求量,会同省财办,并商省石油总公司提出成品油的分配计划方案,下达给省石油总公司和各有关部门及各地、市、州、县计委,由省、地、市、州、县石油公司负责具体实施。省石油总公司根据省计委下达的年度分配计划,结合中石化销售公司安排的季度、月度资源,实行统一平衡 According to the “Notice of the State Council on Approving the State Development Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission for Opinions on Reforming the Circulation System of Crude Oil and Refined Oil” (Guo Fa [1994] No. 21) and in light of the reality of our province, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: Conscientiously do a good job in the overall balance of supply and demand of refined oil and the rational allocation of resources Provincial Planning Commission should be fully investigated based on the scientific prediction of the total annual demand for refined oil products to the State Planning Commission to submit a declaration plan; Annual resource allocation plan, combined with the demand put forward by all over the country, will work together with the provincial government, and Shangshang Petroleum Corporation proposed a plan for the distribution of refined oil products to the provincial petroleum corporation and relevant departments and all localities, municipalities and counties Commission, by the provincial, prefectural, city, state and county oil companies responsible for the specific implementation. Provincial Petroleum Corporation, according to the annual plan issued by the Provincial Planning Commission, combined with Sinopec sales arrangements for the quarter, the monthly resources, the implementation of a unified balance
The difficulty to select the best system parameters restricts the engineering application of stochastic resonance(SR) . An adaptive cascade stochastic resonance
美国经济从1991年第二季度开始进入“两低一高”的增长轨道 :低失业率 ,低通货膨胀率 ,高GDP增长率。这种发展态势至今已快10年了。如此之久的持续高速稳定增长是前所未有的 ,人们因此
流行性乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)多发生于10岁以下的儿童,尤以3~6岁小儿发病率最高,1岁以下的婴儿极少发病,而并发硬膜下积液者尚未见有报道。我院于1986年收治之婴 Epidemic ence
“人非草木,孰能无情;男女之恋,人之常情”,这是革命烈士方志敏年轻时与战友讨论婚姻问题时说过的一句话 是的,无产阶级革命家也有自己的爱情,但这种经过革命的血与火洗礼的