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2008年5月12日,四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级特大地震灾害。一方有难,八方支援,如今,灾后重建的各项工作正在有序、有效地进行。时值地震一周年,回想5月12日,天地同悲,山河同哭,不禁潸然泪下,而今,看着灾区的人民群众井然有序的生活,我们相信四川灾区的明天会更好!汶川大地震凝聚了全国人民的心,一场波澜壮阔的灾后重建开始了,从中央到地方,从团体到个人……都在为灾后重建工作伸出援助之手,中华民族从未像这样同心协力,众志成城。而中国政府动员能力也再一次证明了体制的能量。在汶川地震一周年之际,我们不会忘记历史,我们将永远铭记这一刻,为遇难的人们点上一支蜡烛、送上一朵百合,以此来悼念在地震中不幸遇难的同胞…… May 12, 2008, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, Richter 8.0 magnitude earthquake disaster. One party has difficulties and all parties support it. Nowadays, the various tasks of post-disaster reconstruction are proceeding in an orderly and effective manner. At the time of the first anniversary of the earthquake, recalling May 12, heaven and earth are sad, crying with mountains and rivers and shed tears. Now, looking at the organized and orderly life of the people in the disaster-stricken areas, we believe tomorrow in the disaster- hit areas of Sichuan will be even better! Wenchuan Earthquake Unite the hearts of the people throughout the country, a magnificent post-disaster reconstruction began. From the central government to local governments, from groups and individuals, all of them are helping hand in the post-disaster reconstruction work. The Chinese people have never joined hands and made their dreams come true. The mobilization of the Chinese government once again proved the energy of the system. On the first anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, we will not forget history. We will always remember this moment, ordering a candle for the victims and sending a lily to mourn the compatriots who died in the earthquake.
本文对所收集的5簇11属15种竹果的氨基酸含量进行了分析测定,其结果为: Ⅰ.从测定的15个种的竹果来看,均含有18种蛋白质水解的氨基酸,其中均以谷氨酸的含量为最高,其余各种氨
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