Best Day Trips from Tokyo东京周边最佳一日游

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  Tokyo is bursting with energy, excitement and an endless list of things to do. But as the nation’s capital and home to one tenth of its national population, it’s also a city of stifling1 crowds and general chaos. Especially when the summer heat sets in, sometimes there’s nothing better than escaping this great city for a day and hopping a train to the oases of nature that surround it. Here are our picks of the best experiences that can be done in a day trip, including swimming, hiking, wine-tasting, farm tours and more.
  Lake cruise, art museums and hot springs in Hakone
   The mountain of Hakone lies about 90 minutes by train from Tokyo, which makes it a popular day-trip or weekend getaway2 from the capital. It has had a long and illustrious3 tradition as a hot spring town—its name even appears in Edo-era (1603–1868) rankings of Japan’s best onsen4.
   But Hakone is about much more than just bathing. It’s got everything from superb art museums to an active volcano—as well as a jaw-dropping5 view of Mt Fuji on clear days. See around the area, from central Hakone-Yumoto and beautiful Lake Ashi to the posh6 but relaxed Gora neighbourhood.
  Sprawling temple grounds7 and a giant Buddha in Kamakura
   This small coastal town is often referred to as the Kyoto of Eastern Japan for its multitude of temples, shrines8 and historical monuments. It was the country’s political capital during the Kamakura shogunate (1185–1333) and there’s plenty to do and see here.
   Top of the list should be a visit to the Great Buddha of Kamakura (Kamakura Daibutsu). This towering bronze statue of the celestial buddha is the second tallest in Japan and stands at 13.35m. Originally cast in 1252, the buddha has been peacefully watching over its visitors since 1495.
   If you have a little more time, pay a visit to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Kamakura’s largest Shinto9 shrine. You can reach it via a long, wide approach that leads from Kamakura’s waterfront through the city centre, with multiple torii10 gates along the way. The grounds include the main hall, a museum and many secondary shrines as well as beautiful ponds and gardens. Look out for a horseback archery display during the Reitai-sai11 Festival in mid-September (September 14–16), performed along the main approach.
  Wine-tasting in the vineyards of Katsunuma
   Although better known for its sake12 than vino13, Japan has actually been producing amazing wines using locally-grown grapes since the 1800s. Katsunuma, in Yamanashi Prefecture14, is home to 31 wineries15 which between them account for about 30 percent of all Japanese wine. Many offer tasting sessions and lessons in winemaking as well as tours.    Experience it yourself at Budo no Oka (Grape Hill). Here, you can soak in magnificent views of the surrounding vineyards and the Japanese Southern Alps to the west—Yamanashi is home to Mount Fuji—while tasting more than 200 varieties of wine. At just ?1,520 for the tasting experience, there’s a temptation to overdo it, but there’s plenty else to enjoy on site, including a terrific barbecue restaurant and open-air hot spring.
  Ski gondolas16 and crystal-clear ponds in Hakuba
   Though best known for its world-class skiing and snowboarding, Hakuba in Nagano Prefecture offers a great escape into nature year-round.
   During the warm months, Happo Mountain can be traversed17 via an eight-passenger 2000-meter-long gondola with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. When you arrive at the top, take a leisurely one-hour stroll along the summit to the glass-like Happo Pond.
   Hakuba Happo Hot Springs are a collection of hot springs located at the mountain base. Be sure to stop in at one after winding18 your way back down the mountain. The hot spring water of Hakuba is renowned for its unique alkaline19 mineral composition that is said to have healing and beautifying properties.
  Farm tours and markets in the rural village of Isumi
   On the east coast of Chiba Prefecture, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, is the farming village of Isumi20. This region is renowned for its picturesque scenery and delicious organic produce.
   Set up by a US-born photojournalist and his wife, a chef and author of several macrobiotic21 cookbooks, Brown’s Field Farm specialises in sustainable, organic farming blended with Japanese traditions. You can taste the farm’s incredible produce at their Rice Terrace Café or even spend the night in their guest cottage for ?7,000 per person.
   Fromages Komagata is a dairy farm known for its 100 percent additive-free and preservative-free cheese. The proprietor has over 20 years’ experience in the dairy industry and makes his own artisan products as well.
   To sample a host of farms all at once, head to Isumi on a Sunday and check out the Sunday morning market at Ohara Fishing Port where a range of local produce and seafood can be found.
  Scenic hiking in the mountainous region of Chichibu
   Located within Chichibu-Tama National Park in the mountainous western region of Saitama Prefecture, Chichibu is a magnet for outdoor enthusiasts.
   The park’s mountains are non-volcanic and have an average height of 1,000m, meaning river valleys beautifully showcase each season with their vibrant colours. With over 1,262 kilometres to explore, it can be difficult to know where to start. Mount Mitsumine is the most famous peak thanks to the ancient Shinto shrine at its top.    Hitsujiyama Flower Park is another must-see. Set against an impressive backdrop of Mount Buko and known for its sea of pink and white Shibazakura (moss phloxes), it overlooks the entire city area of Chichibu. The park features around 1,000 cherry trees, including yoshino cherry, weeping cherry and double-petal cherry trees.
  A day of shopping at the resort town Karuizawa
   Nestled at the foot of Mount Asama, the most active volcano in Honshu, lies the upmarket22 resort town of Karuizawa. Many wealthier Tokyoites own second homes here. Start your day at Karuizawa Ginza in the old part of the town, with its traditional shops, cafés, restaurants and stalls selling locally-produced jams and honey.
   Serious shoppers searching for serious discounts should head to the Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza near the train station. This discount shopping outlet is home to over 200 stores set in a sprawling and beautifully landscaped area—great for kids to run wild while you splash23 the cash.
   When your credit cards scream for mercy, escape to the open-air Tombo-no-yu bath house for a peaceful soak. Finish off your day at Harunire Terrace and order yourself a pint of the delicious locally-brewed Yona Yona ale24. ■
  白马八方温泉位于山脚,分为多处温泉浴场。沿着蜿蜒山路下山之后,一定要到其中一处浴场去泡一泡。白马的温泉水以其独特的碱性矿物质成分而闻名,据说这种成分具有治疗和美容功效。   夷隅乡村的农场之旅和农贸市场
  待信用卡尖叫求饶时,可以溜到露天的星野温泉浴场泡澡,享受宁静时光。然后,在“春榆露臺”点一品脱爽口的当地Yona Yona麦芽啤酒,以此结束一天的行程。                      □
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在看惯了造型夸张的机箱之后,那些外观简约大气的产品更能获得玩家的认可。本期我们体验的这款机箱产品来自鑫谷,产品外观方方正正,简约的外观设计中充满了金属质感,而且该机箱对于灯光的支持也不错。  外观上鑫谷 凡仕F1几乎就是一个标准的长方体,没有多余的装饰,显得简洁大气。机箱外壳由0.7mm钢板打造而成,表面为磨砂喷漆,整体为亚光黑,具有很强的质感。为了不让全黑的机箱看上去太单调,鑫谷 凡仕F1在前面