辉煌的历史 灿烂的文化——纪录片《中州大观》观后

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由中央新闻纪录电影制片厂摄制(段洪编导、特约孙道临解说)的大型彩色纪录片《中州大观》已拍完,即将同广大观众见面。河南,简称“豫”,地处黄河中下游,古时叫“豫州”或叫“中州”。它是中华民族灿烂文化的发祥地。影片通过在这块土地上发掘出的大量珍贵的历史文物和它的壮丽河山、名胜古迹的介绍,生动形象地展现了中华民族发展的伟大历史长河。它不但给人以丰富的历史、地理知识,让人欣赏到壮观旖旎的风光,得到美的享受,而且通过对我们中华民族的辉煌历史和灿烂文化的了解,使人们增强民族自豪感和爱国主义思想,从而振奋精神,激扬民气,满腔热忱地投入到振兴中华的伟大洪流中去,开拓中国历史的新纪元。影片一开始,便以激流滚滚的黄河画面,将观众带入充满诗情画意的情景中;并让银幕上出现的黄河边一位慈母怀抱婴 The large-scale color documentary “Zhongzhou Grand View”, filmed by the Central Newsreel and Film Studio (edited by Duan Hong and directed by Sheng Shundao) has already finished filming and is about to meet with a large audience. Henan, referred to as “Henan”, is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, ancient called “Yuzhou” or “Zhongzhou.” It is the birthplace of splendid culture of the Chinese nation. The film vividly demonstrates the great historical development of the Chinese nation through the introduction of a large number of precious historical relics unearthed on this land and its magnificent rivers and mountains and places of historical interest and scenic beauty. Not only does it give people rich historical and geographical knowledge, enjoy spectacular scenery and enjoy the beauty, but also enhance people’s sense of national pride and patriotism through understanding the glorious history and splendid culture of our Chinese nation , So as to inspire the spirit, inspire the people, enthusiastically devoted to rejuvenating the great torrent of China to open up a new era in Chinese history. At the beginning of the film, the throng of the Yellow River was used to bring the audience into a poetic scene; and a bereaved mother on the Yellow River
在土耳其东南部的农村里,农民在地主和庄园主的压迫下,过着十分贫困的生活. 一天,贫苦农民赛罗牵着一头小毛驴在荒凉的沙漠路上走着,突然被一颗子弹射中身亡.打冷枪的贫苦农
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与通常研究移动质量与结构的动力相互作用不同,本文认为移动质量在梁上的刚体运动不是预先知道的,即考虑Timoshenko paradox效应,建立了移动质量与柔性梁振动微分方程.然后,