
来源 :中国电子商情(RFID技术与应用) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leon2000
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受国家经济回暖、政策效应和市场刚性需求的拉动,2009年7月,汽车产销一改往年淡季的走势,走出一轮强劲的淡季不淡的行情。中国汽车工业协会今天发布的最新统计数据显示,7月汽车销售1 08.56万辆,连续第5个月保持在百万辆以上的水平,同比更是增长了63.57%。1—7月,我国汽车销量718.44万辆,同比增长23.38%,继续排名世界第一。这表明中国的汽车生产量已经超过了曾经排名世界第一的日本,稳稳地坐在世界第一的“宝座”上。十多年前,中国的南方民营企业大量仿制日本的摩托车的外形,畅销东南亚,以价廉物美的声誉赢得了摩托车盛行的东南亚诸国的青睐。当时日本的经济学者们就惊呼中国的汽车一定能赶超日本,理由是汽车与摩托车在结构上大同小异。十多年过去了,他们的预言得到了证实,中国的汽车果然得到了长足的发展。但是,我国汽车行业生产量在世界排行第一的背后,还有很多问题。例如汽车发动机要靠进口,很大程度依存发动机能耗低的日本等国的技术。实际上,中国的汽车工业还是站在东西方汽车大国的“肩膀”上。汽车安全性、舒适性等指标还比较低下,与世界名牌尚有较大差距。汽车生产线上很多技术设备不能独自生产和提供。当然,这些并非坏事,在全球经济上国际间的配合本来就必不可少,如果中国样样第一的话,中国的进出口贸易的顺差不知要高到什么程度,工业发达国家对中国的贸易壁垒不知还要加强到何种程度。但是,从技术角度讲,我们有责任在效率上有较大的提高,把依赖进口对他国的贡献“还利于民”用作提高中国百姓的收入上来。在诸多技术当中我们饶有兴味的是汽车生产线上如何使用RFID技术。日本曾是世界第一的汽车大国,又在RFID软硬件方面在世界上举足轻重,汽车工厂内部早已采用了RFID技术,例如零部件的资材管理、零件的定位以及EPC网络的构筑等方面都得到全面的应用。为了进一步了解日本汽车工业中RFID应用的经验,本刊记者特意请教了日本的富士通株式会社的西村泰洋先生。 Affected by the country’s economic recovery, policy effects and market demand driven by the rigid, in July 2009, car sales changed last year’s off-season trend, out of a strong off-season market is not short. According to the latest statistics released today by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the number of vehicles sold in July was 108.56 million, keeping it above 1 million for the fifth consecutive month, an increase of 63.57% over the same period of previous year. From January to July, China sold 7,184,400 cars, an increase of 23.38% over the same period of previous year, ranking first in the world. This shows that China’s automobile production has surpassed that of Japan, once the highest in the world, and has steadily been sitting on top of the throne in the world. More than a decade ago, a large number of Chinese private enterprises in the South copied the appearance of Japanese motorcycles and sold them to Southeast Asia. They won the prestige of Southeast Asian countries that are popular with motorcycles because of their cheap reputation. At that time, Japanese economists exclaimed that Chinese cars would catch up with Japan on the grounds that cars and motorcycles were similar in structure. More than a decade later, their predictions have been confirmed. China’s automobile has indeed achieved considerable development. However, there are still many problems behind the production ranking of China’s automobile industry in the world. For example, automobile engines rely on imports and depend largely on the technologies of Japan and other countries where the energy consumption of engines is low. In fact, China’s auto industry is still standing on the shoulder of the big car owners in the East and the West. Car safety, comfort and other indicators are still relatively low, there is a big gap with the world famous. Many technical equipment in the car production line can not be produced and provided on its own. Of course, these are not bad things. In the global economy, international cooperation is already indispensable. If China ranks first, the extent to which China’s import and export trade surplus will not be as high as the developed country’s trade barriers to China I do not know how to strengthen to what extent. However, from a technical point of view, we have a responsibility to make greater efficiency gains and to use the contribution of importing to other countries to “benefit the people” as a means of raising the incomes of Chinese people. Among the many technologies we are excited about is how to use RFID technology in the car production line. Japan was the world’s No.1 automotive powerhouse and a significant player in the world of RFID hardware and software. RFID technology has long been used in automotive factories, such as the management of parts and materials, the positioning of components, and the construction of an EPC network. Applications. In order to further understand Japan’s automobile industry experience in the application of RFID, correspondents deliberately consulted Japan’s Fujitsu Co., Ltd. Mr. Nishimura Tai Yang.
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