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我校(上海第一船舶技工学校)具有半工半读的性质,学生在学校里一周参加生产劳动,一周学习理论知识。其中三年级学生已学过制图学、工艺学,还具有实际生产的知识。教师通过学习党的教育方针,感到立体几何教学应该联系学生掌握的生产实际,应该通过学生自己的生产实践活动来证实几何理论的正确性,使几何理论成为学生亲身得来的知识。我们教师通过毛主席著作的学习,又进一步感到学习的目的全在于应用,如果学生能用所学到的几何理论去分析说明一两个生产实际问题,那就有了几分成绩;问题说明得愈多,分析得愈正确,成绩就愈大。所以我们教师决心参加生产劳动,并且决心依照实践、理论、再实践的客观规律对学生进行立体几何的教学。下面就立体几何中直线和平面一章的教学举例说明。 (一) 由生产上常用的判定法引入立体几何的判定定理一切科学理论都来源于实践,来源于生产斗争、阶级斗争和科学实验。立体几何的判定定理同样来源于生产实践,所以我们在讲解立体几何的判定定理前,首先介绍生产上常用的判定法。 Our school (Shanghai No.1 Ship Technical School) has the character of semi-works and half-reading. Students participate in production labor in the school for one week and theoretical knowledge in one week. Among them, the third grade students have studied graphics and technology, and they also have practical production knowledge. Through studying the party’s education policy, teachers feel that the three-dimensional geometry teaching should connect students to the actual production. They should verify the correctness of the geometric theory through the students’ own production practice activities, and make the geometric theory become the knowledge that the students have obtained. Through the study of Chairman Mao’s writings, our teachers further felt that the purpose of learning lies entirely in the application. If students can use the geometry theory they have learned to analyze and explain one or two actual production problems, then there will be scores; The more accurate the analysis is, the greater the performance will be. Therefore, our teachers are determined to participate in productive labor and are determined to teach students stereo geometry in accordance with the objective laws of practice, theory, and practice. Below is an example of the teaching of the chapter on straight lines and planes in solid geometry. (1) Decision theorems introduced into the three-dimensional geometry by judgment methods commonly used in production All the scientific theories originate from practice, and they come from the production struggle, class struggle and scientific experiments. The theorem of the determination of the three-dimensional geometry is also derived from the production practice. Therefore, before explaining the theorem of the determination of the three-dimensional geometry, we first introduce the determination method commonly used in production.
众所周知,要求经过一般二次曲线C: Ax~2+Bxy+Cy~2+Dx+Ey+F=0上一点p(x_1,y_1)的切线方程,可以应用如下的代换法则: (1) 用x_1x和y_1y分别代换方程中的x~2和y~2: It is well
在语文教学过程中,错别字成了字词教学的老大难问题,教师也常常为之头痛,为了改变这种状况,我在字词教学过程中做了以下尝试:一、对错别字进行归类. 学生出现的错别字,归纳起
初中语文新选文言文词类活用现象比较突出,就其活用的具体情况可以归纳为五类: 1.名词活用为动词(作谓语)。如《智子疑邻》:“天雨墙坏”。“雨”本是名词,这里用为动词,“