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我国古代存留下来的“乐舞”壁画,不但内容丰富、工艺精湛、数量可观,令世界所瞩目,而且还惟一拥有在海拔4000米以上的古代壁画珍品。这些壁画珍品便是公元十世纪吐蕃王室的后裔,在青藏高原最西端札达县境内的阿里地区建立的西藏地方政权古格王朝时代的杰作。 The murals of “music and dance” survived in ancient China not only have abundant content, exquisite workmanship, and impressive quantity, but also have the unique ancient mural treasures at an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level. These mural treasures are the descendants of the Tubo royal family in the 10th century AD and were the masterpieces of the Gug Dynasty during the establishment of the local government in Tibet in the Ali area in the westernmost Zanda County of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
总结了文献报道的四唑酰草胺的分析方法。四唑酰草胺的分析可采用气相色谱、液相色谱方法,可用于四唑酰草胺制剂和残留物的分析。 The methods for the analysis of tetrazo
A novel 1,2-diaminocyclohexane(1,2-DACH) decorated manganese thiostannate,namely MnSnS_3(1,2-DACH)(1),has been solvothermally synthesized by the reaction of Mn(
Femtosecond time-resolved transient grating(TG) technique is used to study the intermolecular dynamics in liquid phase. Non-resonant excitation of the sample by
朋友相约到宁夏沙坡头游玩,短短的一天,给我们留下了难忘的记忆,各种各样的娱乐设施,神秘的大漠风光,那么让人眷恋,那么让人开心。 同去的孩子们唱遍了所有带“沙漠”两字的
We applied periodic density-functional theory to investigate the adsorption of HCN on x Ni@Pt(111) bimetallic surfaces(x = 1~4). The results have been compared