Study on the Cap Rock Deformation of Hutubi Underground Gas Storage by GPS Observations

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyuanboxue
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The deformation responses of surface cap rocks of Underground Gas Storage( UGS) in Hutubi,Xinjiang during gas injection and production were investigated with the GPS data recorded by the deformation monitoring network,which includes 13 observation sites. The time series of three-dimensional deformation of the surface cap rocks was obtained in the UGS operation process,and the deformation signals in different phases were identified by combining the GPS data with wellhead pressure data. The results show that the respiration response of surface cap rock deformation is obvious during gas injection and production of UGS,and the surface deformation due to a 1MPa change of wellhead pressure is 1. 02 mm in gas injection and 1. 24 mm in gas production horizontally, and- 1. 11 mm in gas injection and 0. 86 mm in gas production vertically. The deformation responses of surface cap rocks of Underground Gas Storage (UGS) in Hutubi, Xinjiang during gas injection and production were investigated with the GPS data recorded by the deformation monitoring network, which includes 13 observation sites. The time series of three-dimensional deformation of the surface cap rocks was obtained in the UGS operation process, and the deformation signals in different phases were identified by combining the GPS data with wellhead pressure data. The results show that the respiration response of surface cap rock deformation is obvious during gas injection and production of UGS, and the surface deformation due to a 1MPa change of wellhead pressure is 1. 02 mm in gas injection and 1. 24 mm in gas production horizontally, and- 1. 11 mm in gas injection and 0. 86 mm in gas production vertically.
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